forger. Luckily, the conversation appeared to be over, and we continued to head toward what must have been Johnny's bedroom.
He opened the door and the three of us entered, Mark first, of course, then me, with Johnny bringing up the rear. Now there was an idea for when I was more awake. The next moment, all plans were swept entirely out of my head and I spun around on my heels to take in Johnny's surroundings. If anything could be less like Mark, I had yet to find it. Here the décor was pale wood and cotton. A floor buffed to within an inch of its life led my eye to the almost see-through, long cream curtains drifting a little as the wind took them. On every wall I saw almost equally long plain mirrors and there was barely any furniture. Only a light grey king-size futon took pride of place in the middle of the room.
Mark laughed.
"My brother likes to live simply," he said. "In another life, he'd probably be a monk."
I was no psychiatrist, but somehow I didn't think this was likely. On the other hand, I supposed it depended on what those monks got up to. All the rumors surely couldn't be true, could they?
No matter. There was no time for theology as, without more ado, Mark gestured at the bed.
"You two settle yourselves down," he said, "while I go and get ready. Try not to be too long. I hate being kept waiting."
Then he was gone, and Johnny and I were alone. I smiled at him, feeling suddenly and unexpectedly shy. A ridiculous reaction bearing in mind what the three of us had been getting up to.
"Come here," Johnny said, holding out his arms, and I didn't need telling again. "This is quite difficult for you, isn't it?"
Head pressed against the warmth of his shoulder as it was, replying was tricky, but I was always up for a challenge. "Yes, sir. Because this time it's not just sex, is it? Or being in love or any of that kind of stuff. This time it's something else. Which is terrifying, but exciting, too, and I want to work it out with you both, however weird it is or off-the wall."
At least that's what I was trying to say, but I wasn't sure how much of my impassioned mumble Johnny managed to hear. Not that it really mattered as he kept on hugging me and making comforting noises, and maybe this was all I needed.
"Okay," he said after a little while longer. "Time to get sorted. Who's to say what my brother will do if we're not in bed by the time he gets back."
Who indeed? Tempting though the prospect of Mark's displeasure and subsequent punishment was, I decided discretion probably was the better part of valor so undressed while Johnny brushed his teeth in the ensuite. By the time he emerged, I was stark naked under the covers and as near to the middle of the futon as I could get. As I didn't know which side each twin slept on, I thought I should be prepared for all eventualities.
Johnny was wearing pajamas. Not just any old supermarket brand, buy-one-get-one-pair-free, but cream silk pajamas with his initials embroidered across one shoulder. I'd never been one for any sort of clothes in bed, but I had to say they suited him. However, I swear it was the surprise made me laugh. At this unfortunate reaction, Johnny raised his eyebrow at me, a gesture that dampened my response, but didn't entirely kill it.
"What?" he said. "Don't you know it's all about the branding?"
That only made it worse, and a moment later, I was writhing with laughter on the bed, all exhaustion forgotten, and with Johnny beating me with one of the pillows. Even though he was laughing, too, I clocked the fact that punishment, of any kind, wasn't just the responsibility of his twin. Definitely something to bear in mind for the future, assuming I survived the pillow abuse.
By the time Mark returned, Johnny and I were giggling like children after way too much ice cream.
"What the hell are you two up to?" He stood in the doorway, gloriously naked except for the towel slung over his shoulder, and doing nothing to hide his cock. Not that he'd
Stefan Grabinski, Miroslaw Lipinski