until she was covered in flames. Aislin n’ s power tugged at his own as she attempted to take what was not hers. Claidholm Solais sang a song of healing, but the queen was too far gone, her anger too rampant. Rhoane caressed the hilt of his weapon, unsure of how to stop his mother. This behavior was unlike the queen. A dangerous thought echoed through his mind. With a start, he realized the song was not meant for his mother, but for him.
“ What is happening here ?” King Stephan burst through a door, bellowing to those in the courtyard. When he saw his wife engulfed in the deadly flames, he threw a blanket of his own ShantiMari over her. The flames snapped against his power, dissolving his threads to ash.
Aislinn held out her hand to her husband .“ This is for the best. It must be done .” Her voice lowered to a hush .“ Husband, mi carae, you have my heart, always .” She raised her head toward the sky and stole Claidholm Solai s’ s power to her.
“ Mother, do not do this !” The sword jerked against Rhoan e’ s grip and he clenched his fist protectively around the hilt. He fought to stem the flood of light that infused his mother, but it was as if Claidholm Solais and the queen were determined in their efforts. As if the y’ d planned it almos t… No. Rhoane would n’ t let the thought settle in his mind. Could n’ t allow himself to believe such a terrible lie.
Aislinn screamed one ghastly, agonizing cry before she collapsed to the ground.
Stephan raced to her side and cradled her unmoving body against his. Tears streamed over his cheeks to drip onto his wif e’ s pale face. The ladies-in-waiting twittered to one another, unsure of what the y’ d witnessed. They, too, sobbed.
Rhoane stood alone in the courtyard, grief making a statue of him. He neither cried nor wailed nor spoke. If this was a dream, he wanted it to end. But the nightmare was only just beginning.
Verdaine materialized in a haze of crimson, green, and gold. She spoke a few words to the Eleri king before she cradled the queen in her arms .“ I will take her to Dal Tara, where she will reside with the other gods .” Verdain e’ s glare cut Rhoan e’ s heart .“ Do not let her death be in vain . ”
His goddess rose slowly, and Rhoane mouthed the words ,“ I am sorry .” To Verdaine or to his mother, he was n’ t sure. If only h e’ d obeyed and done what they asked, his mother would be alive.
The last he saw of the women was nothing more than a spark of light against the verdant leaves of the Weirren.
King Stepha n’ s chest heaved with his heavy breaths, and Rhoane braced himself for an outburst. Yet it did not come. What his father did say burned deeper than any accusation could.
“ You are not to blame, my First Son. This horrific accident was not of your doing, nor of your mothe r’ s .” His father paused. His brow made deep furrows in his usually smooth skin .“ But you must leave the Narthvier this very day .”
“ She begged me, Father, but I did not listen. She told me it was time, but I was not ready. Despite your words, I will carry the shame of Mothe r’ s death until my own . ”
His father eased Rhoan e’ s sword from his clasped fingers .“ I am sorry ,” he whispered as he wound his so n’ s hair around his fist .“ Verdaine demands it . ”
With one slice of the blade, Rhoan e’ s long, silky hair was shorn.
The ladies gasped. A few covered their facesand wept anew. Janeira advanced on her king .“ My liege, it was not the princ e’ s fault. The queen, she raged, but your son did nothing to provoke the tragedy . ”
“ Stay out of this, youngling. You know nothing of which you speak. Rhoane is sheanna and will live among the Fadair until such a time as he is fit to return .” The entire time he spoke, Stepha n’ s steady gaze never left Rhoan e’ s.
“ This is not how it is done ,” Janeira argued .“ To become sheanna, there must be a council. He must be presented before the
Johnny Shaw, Mike Wilkerson, Jason Duke, Jordan Harper, Matthew Funk, Terrence McCauley, Hilary Davidson, Court Merrigan