to the blood of du'Varl and I am the eldest in that line. I suggest you contact my fellows and have them prepared to convene the Moot."
With that, du'Varl walked arrogantly out of the room.
When Herald McCraid pounded his staff on the floor he had tears streaming down his face. Nor was he alone: Lord Elias was well-beloved before his coronation, always more willing to work with his peers than against and always minded of all his subjects and not just those of noble blood.
Acting as the Crown's steward until they raised another King, Gladius decreed two days of mourning followed by another three of celebration. He hoped the new King would extend the latter, but if du'Varl took the throne most of the other Nobles would see it as an insult. Gladius himself took time out of his studies to give King Elias, Queen Rhianda and their slain kin their final honors.
Seeing the young boy and his wife, now lifeless, hurt Gladius more than he could bear yet still he managed the words. More than just he turned their heads away when du'Varl walked past and placed his hand on the casket. More than a few Noble hands gripped their blades at that moment. For once in his lifetime Gladius doubted his ability to stop one Noble from slaying another, especially when such action ran so counter to his desires.
"Lairds and ladies, order please."
The Moot convened on Elias' second day of mourning. That wasn't proper but du'Varl hinted, via messages delivered by his pages, that his patience was thinning and that he had matters of import to attend. That rankled Gladius. du'Varl knew that and Gladius knew he knew it. That rankled too.
Edgar Robert caused Gladius no small distress as well. He hadn't seen the lad since that horrible night. When he passed Elias' body his expression hardened and he wouldn't meet Gladius' eyes. At first Gladius thought the young Fyrelm might try something both reckless and foolish. He didn't, nor did any of his court hint that such might happen and that gave Gladius more cause to worry.
"If it please the Great and Noble Houses of the Hausmoot, we have a question at hand."
Gladius had a strategy. He'd read the same Precedence as du'Varl, but the Lairds of the Great and Noble House of Gladius had far more experience with the intricacies of it. Even more, he had the Laird of the Great and Noble House of Lore assisting him. Ennobled by decree, Lore would never have a King elevated from its ranks. Not that its members cared for such things; knowledge and knowledge alone motivated them. Lore's current Laird, Albert Sage James, began his life as the fifth child of two of the poorest folk on Astraboria and earned his titles through sheer talent and an unquenchable thirst for learning.
"I have searched and researched the Rules of Precedence thoroughly," said Gladius, tearing himself away from his dithering, "Albert Sage James Laird Lore assisted me in this."
More than assisted! How James managed to circumvent House Lore's vaunted neutrality in Royal matters enough to lead Gladius to what he needed Gladius neither knew nor cared.
"In such an instance as this, this most grievous event, the Rules are clear. Until such time as the Moot can agree unanimously upon a suitable candidate, the Crown goes to the blood of Herman Rene du'Varl."
Gladius had one play in his cards. It might work, it might fail or it might plunge the Crown into the bloody civil conflict the Precedence existed to prevent. Only one fact forced Gladius to consider it now. He knew unanimous acclaim among the Houses would never be reached as long as du'Varl sat as King. Several of the Great Houses and numerous of the Lesser allied themselves with Varl; they would speak 'nay' to any candidate lacking du'Varl's approval. Similarly, Brightcrown and no small few of the Greater and Lesser houses would stand in opposition of any candidate du'Varl or one of his minions suggested.
Gladius steeled himself. An under-the-cloak message to the Elder Guards' commander and