her face.
“Whatev,” Sabrina sneer s as she cats down the hall.
I just stride slowly with my head held high toward my second class for the day. I’m not normally like Jessa, brave enough to stand up to the masses or brave the hordes of drama. I am more of a ‘go with the flow’ type of girl. It isn’t like I can actually win against Sabrina anyway, so what’s the point? When we get to the door of our next class, Jessa is smiling at me.
“ Way to go you! It’s about time that you started fighting back and not taking her shiz!”
“ Jessa, you know why I don’t always stick up for myself. The last time I got into trouble at all, my parents went postal and locked me in my room for a week. Literally. Lock. Key. And bolt. I was only allowed to leave for church services and to eat whatever they deemed I deserved to eat that day.”
“I know , sweets, I just wish you had something better to look forward to going home, too. Emotionally abusive bastards.”
Devon cho oses that moment to join in with his two cents.
“ So, chicas, have we picked who our victim is going to be this year? Poor tools don’t stand a chance when Jessa gets her claws sunk in.”
“Shut it pretty boy. I’m not that bad,” she cackles.
“ I’m thinking she should go after Brandon Jefferies. I hear he moved back and is attending here also. Besides, Sabrina dumped him over the summer. It would burn her bloomers seeing him with someone else. Especially Jessa,” I smirk and wink at her.
“I think we should pick a potential for Ella this year, also. I mean we are technically adults and we need dates to keggers and football games, not to mention prom. But we’d have to get it past the parentals,” Devon says. He is always the resident genius.
As if I need any more drama at home. Pfft. “Okay, enough about my lack of love life. We need to book it. I can’t be late on the first day.”
“St . Ella with her perfect grades, perfect attendance and perfect punctuality, I bow to your over bearing will,” Devon says, always the jokester.
If only he knew the hell I would catch at home if I am outwardly anything else but perfection. My parents expect to live the life of the Cleavers. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
The r est of the day passes pretty quickly and before I know it, we are meeting in the quad for lunch. I haven’t seen Thor or his groupies since my first class. Sabrina seems to be tailing me though. I don’t know what her problem is. I mean I don’t even exist on the same shelf as she does in our town, but every time I turn around or peek over my shoulder, yup, there she is, trollin’. I just don’t find myself that interesting. Wonder what she’s up to, I think. Nothing good, that’s for damn sure. Great more shit to buckle under .
I turn and look right at her. I smile a sweet as a sugar cookie smile.
“Stalker much?”
She jumps as if startled by being caught trailing me and scurries down the hall toward her fellow glamazons. Yeah, I know I said I wasn’t much for making trouble, but enough is enough. She is starting to skeeve me out. She has always rubbed me the wrong way. On the outside she projects this pretty little bitch, but if you look into her eyes long enough you see nothing. They’re totally blank. She just isn’t the nicest person either. Last year, when one of her friends decided to hit on her ex-boyfriend, she made the poor girl’s life a living, waking hell. Taunts and rumors are one thing, that’s basically a normal part of high school for some kids, but getting the breaks cut on her new Civic? Yeah . You’re seeing my point. Carly is still in a coma from hitting that tree straight on when the breaks in her car faulted. The police said the lines had been cut straight through. Too bad they could never prove who did it. Of course Sabrina and her horde were the first to start vying for sympathy, taking flowers to Carly’s ICU room and hugging the parents.
It didn’t surprise me in the least that