you change clothes? And where did you get that blouse?” He was looming over her now and her eyes looked slightly watery. “I went shopping at lunch and I thought this was so cute that I bought it and wore it out of the store. Isn’t that okay?” Tracy’s hands were trembling. Connor thought if he didn’t do something quickly, she might collapse or cry. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her to his visitor chair in front of his desk. “I’m sorry Tracy, I just got off the phone with my mother, and I am just a bit out of sorts.” He chuckled and she relaxed. “You went shopping huh? That is a beautiful blouse, which store did you find it in?” He sat back down across the desk from her. Connor was manipulating her for information but knew he couldn’t be honest with her. I can smell the woman that I want to claim on you. I want to push my way inside of her and never leave. Yeah that would get him locked up for sure. Mental note Maddock, watch the testosterone around Tracy, she scares easily. “Oh it’s new. ‘Off Center’ just opened across the street. They sell custom jewelry, and exclusive fashions. The store only deals with artists and manufacturers that are local. It’s a great store, if you’re in trouble with your mom you should take her, she’ll forgive whatever you did.” Tracy smiled at him. “Great, maybe I will. Back to business, what did we find out?” Tracy opened the file and read parts of what it contained but Connor wasn’t listening. Did his mate work across the street in the new store? Did she handle the blouse? Did she make the blouse? Who was she? He would make the trip as soon as Tracy stopped reading the damned file; it was quitting time anyway, well close enough. He was the boss. He could leave when he wanted to damn it.
Chapter 3 Shauna Shauna dragged herself out of bed and pulled her sweats on then shoved her feet into her pink fuzzy slippers. Trudging down the stairs and into the kitchen, she made her way to her lifesaver, the coffee pot. “Want me to hook up an I.V.?” Naomi asked. “Please do.” Shauna mumbled and gulped the hot black coffee. She settled her chin on her fist and closed her eyes. “I had another one of those dreams. It’s as if he knows I’m bone tired so he shows up early and then I can’t ever get back to sleep again. I’m going to collapse.” Naomi clucked her tongue and smoothed Shauna’s hair. “Poor baby.” Naomi sat down next to her. “What did he do this time?” Naomi’s chocolate eyes were wide and she was biting her bottom lip with anticipation. Shauna rolled her eyes at Naomi. “Isn’t it a little early for porn?” Naomi shook her head emphatically. “Fine.” Shauna gulped the rest of her coffee and handed the cup to Naomi who popped up from her seat and hurriedly poured more coffee. She set it down gently on the red checked tablecloth and plopped back down in her chair with her head propped in both hands. Shauna giggled. “Okay. I am outside in the yard this time. The moon is full fat and bright but I’m still me. I’m looking up at it, there’s a cool breeze but I am out there in my pink mini and barefoot. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I can tell that he’s strong and I know that he’s wolf, but I don’t know how I know it. He runs his nose up and down my neck.” She slides her finger up and down showing her sister what it would look like. Naomi sighed. “It’s maddening. My whole body trembles and everything south is quivering and clenching. His hand squeezes my breast and I realize that I don’t have a bra on but I like his hands on me. He dips his hand down the front of my shirt and rolls my nipple while the other hand is going up my shirt from the bottom. He keeps telling me that I’m his, he keeps saying ‘you’re mine, always