until later. I was laser-focused on my escape.
It was twenty or so feet to the Lexus. I had my key in one hand, and my two bags in the other. All of my worldly possessions could be carried in one trip, but it was a good thing. Travel light to travel fast. I was more than ready to travel fast and travel far. Kyle could get me to Bakersfield, and from there I’d decide where I wanted to start over.
After a shaky slow breath to try and calm myself, I ran for the car. I could hear the small rocks beneath my flats and my sharp, gasping breaths; everything else faded into the distance. Time seemed to slow down as I got closer to the Lexus. It was almost teasing me; the closer I got, the slower I moved. I hit the unlock button and saw the yellow lights flash like a taunting wink.
My feet slid in the pebbles as I tried to come to a stop. I was carrying too much momentum and slammed into my door. I look back over my shoulder, but didn’t see anything. Yanking at the handle, I threw the door open. My bags were tossed into the passenger seat, and I dropped down into the driver’s. I hit the start button, but nothing happened. Fear began to creep over my shoulder.
I wouldn’t let the fear in, though. I jammed my foot on the brake and clicked the seatbelt in, “Fucking new cars.”
Once the Lexus was satisfied that I was safe, it fired up. As soon as it was in Drive , I nailed the gas pedal. The doors clicked, and I was locked in. Yeah, like that’s going to keep me safe. The headlights blazed on, and I cursed the car again. “Dammit, dammit, dammit.” I had forgotten that the headlights came on automatically, and they couldn’t be turned off in the dark. My plan to drive without them once I got outside the gate was trashed.
As I sped down the driveway, I looked in the rearview mirror, but didn’t see the telltale sign of lights giving chase. There were two Land Rovers exclusively for the security force, and in retrospect, I should’ve slashed their tires or something. The car hit a bump, throwing my view out of whack. When I got things back under control, my headlights shone on the gate. I slammed on the brakes, sliding on the fine rock driveway.
The car came to a stop just a few feet before the gate. The sensor kicked in, and the slow crawl of freedom began. As I watched the gate move glacier slow to my right, my hands wrung at the wheel in a death grip.
A flash in the mirror caught my attention. Two sets of headlights clicked on in the distance. The gate had another three feet before I could slip through. My eyes went wide, and my mouth dropped open. They were coming for me, and they were coming hard.
My eyes darted between the rearview mirror and the gate in front of me. The mechanical whir moved with agonizing speed. Behind me, the headlights bounced as they moved quickly down the driveway towards me. I couldn't wait any longer.
I hit the gas and turned to the left, threading the needle between the brick wall and the edge of the gate. I still needed a foot of room to clear, but I had no choice. The guards were barreling down on me, and all of my stealthy plans were going to shit.
I let out a little squeal and tightened every muscle in my body as the car sideswiped the brick fence. The driver’s side mirror shattered and vanished behind me. The Lexus lurched, but I kept my hands steady on the wheel. The driveway widened like a river delta, and I threw the wheel to the right. A metallic crunch came from below the car as I transitioned onto the road. I flew upwards and strained against the seat belt. Okay, so maybe the modern safety features aren't so bad.
A scraping sound came from the Lexus somewhere near the front. When I sped up, the sound did, too. Something with one of the wheels was fucked up, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to need the car much longer, anyway.
Behind me, the two Land Rovers swung out of the gated driveway. I mashed down on the gas pedal as hard as I could, hoping to lose