being caught. But oh how I wanted to take my own pleasure. They looked so good together. I felt ashamed at myself for watching when Katrina slumped against her husband spent with pleasure feeling him rub her sore bottom in a comforting protective gesture. He removed his mouth from her neck and licked his lips. Katrina clung to him tightly as if she let go she would fall and collapse without his loving support. Within seconds he was lifting her up in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her in to the house. I got the distinct impression he was hardening inside her once again. “Good baby, let’s get you to bed where I can keep you safe,” he whispered. “Time for sleep. No one is going to hurt my baby,” he whispered lovingly. I moved away from the hole in the fence envious rubbing at my tear stained face. I turned back to the copse feeling eyes upon me once more but I could see nothing. Afraid I hurried back to the house and locked the door quickly. I went to bed feeling miserable and lonely.
Chapter Two I finally met him tonight. My daughter and I moved in here over a week ago but I had only ever seen my mysterious neighbour getting into his car at night. His house was opposite my own, one of a new development of twelve ten-bedroom, Georgian-style houses in a cul-de-sac with a gated entrance. I was making a quick dash to my car to get my IPod and he came out and caught me. And by caught me, I mean with no make-up on, hair in need of a wash and grey joggers. Curses! He came out of his front door between the pillars dressed in a black tuxedo. He was a striking and breath-taking sight against the white snow covering the ground. I leaned in the car and kept my head down as though I was rummaging about and couldn’t find what I was looking for. I hoped to hell he didn’t notice me but I couldn’t help lamenting the chance to get a look at the tempting eye candy. I never heard his car start and I couldn’t stall any longer. I wondered if he had gone back in the house and I could make a cool sharp exit. I was bloody freezing. Quickly I looked up to check if the coast was clear. He gave me one hell of a fright when I found him standing right next to my bent figure leaning into the car, bum pushed out towards his face. To humiliate myself further I jumped and banged my head off the roof of the car. He was so apologetic, so eager to make sure I was all right. I just wanted to die. It was pure magic when he spoke. He was American. From California he said. He had one of those voices that roll over you like a gentle caress making you just want to hang on to every word. I rubbed my head attempting to laugh off my injury, all the time wanting to scream with embarrassment more than from the pain it caused me. This is not how I normally look I wanted to say, I can do better. Instead I asked him to excuse the mess I was but I was a writer and I liked to be comfortable when I worked. I was suddenly more afraid that he would take me for a ditsy divorcee living off her ex- husband’s money and living it up instead of forging a new independent life. Well, it matters to me what people think. There was the inevitable discussion about my writing and the first dark fantasy novel that had just been published. I forced a smile wishing he would let me escape and at the same time just wanting him to talk more so I could listen to his voice. “Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself,” he said after our short conversation. “I am Roman Price.” Tall, dark, brooding and extremely well groomed. Apparently he was in his early forties, although he looked much younger. I would have actually said in his middle twenties. Odd but perfect. He had dark brown eyes and short hair to match and there was some very sexy designer stubble around his mouth and jaw. Very nice. I gushed as I told him my name and shook his hand when he offered