is, I hate all of that ‘pop
princess’ nonsense. I’d much rather be onstage, just me and my guitar or piano,
with a tiny crowd of people that were really into the music for the sake of the
music - than at the center of a giant production with lights and video, and
backup dancers, and electronic tracks.”
Amanda nodded, “You’re
famous, though. Everyone knows you. That’s what you always wanted.”
Karina nodded, “I thought I did.
But now I realize that what I really wanted was for the world to know my music.
I wanted strangers to sing along with my songs. But the watered down,
radio-friendly, bastardized versions of my songs that the record label puts out
are barely recognizable as mine, and when I sign my name onto an eight by ten
glossy that is so made up and touched up that it barely looks like me, it isn’t
even my name I’m signing!”
Lauren said, “Yeah, I did
think that was weird. Why did they make you change your name? I think Karina
Blackstone is a beautiful name.”
“Well, here’s the thing,”
Karina sounded melancholy. “It sounded too Native American. I mean, forget the
fact that I actually am Native American. They didn’t want there to be anything
about me that wasn’t blandly generic, from my name to my face to my music. And
that’s exactly what they’ve got!
“But enough about me. Even
I’m sick of hearing myself whine about being a successful pop star,” Karina
finished ruefully, “I’m going to steal a stereotype from my Native American
brethren and pass the talking stick. What’s going on with your snowboarding
career, Sam?”
Samantha smiled ruefully,
“Well, wanting to turn you into something you’re not must be a disease that’s
going around, with the only people susceptible to it being record label execs
and sports agents!”
Amanda was immediately
concerned, “What do they want to turn you into, Sammi?”
“Oh, they want me to be the
snowboarding Anna Kournikova. They want to play up my sex appeal. Which I don’t
even think I have! I’m sporty, not sexy! They want me to pose for magazine
covers in a bikini next to my snowboard. That’s not me. When I get on a
snowboard, it’s to kick some ass, not to show mine.”
Lauren looked thoughtful,
“How are you handling that?”
“Well, for now, I’m just concentrating
as hard as I can on my training, and drowning out their buzzing to the best of
my ability. They’ve been upping the pressure, slowly but surely though, and I’m
almost afraid they’re wearing me down. Don’t be surprised if you see me
actually competing in a bikini by this time next year, girls!
“But, I’m with Karina.
Enough about me. Laur, you’re the last one. How is the world of high end real
estate on the oh-so-glamorous isle of Manhattan treating you?”
“Oh, you know how real
estate is,” Lauren waffled, “Ups and downs. You’re only as good as your last
deal. Everything’s cyclical. But I can’t tell you how great it feels to be
called ‘Laur’ again. It must have been 10 years since someone’s called me
Amanda’s nurturing radar was
put on high alert by Lauren’s non-answer, but before she could delve deeper and
find out what was really going on with her friend, the front door opened.
“Really, Amanda,” said a
judgmental voice from the entryway, “You can’t just leave your front door
unlocked like that, who knows what unsavory element could just come waltzing
right in...”
Geoffrey trailed off as he
looked up and saw the room full of women looking back at him.
“Hi!” Karina chirped, “We’re
the unsavory element! And you are?”
Amanda jumped up and rushed to
Geoffrey’s side, giving him a peck on the cheek that he did nothing to
acknowledge, not even bend down to make it easier for her. “Oh, Geoffrey, these
are my absolute best friends from high school! Karina, Lauren, Samantha - this
is my boyfriend, Geoffrey Lancaster.”
“Hey!” Karina said in
greeting, “That’s awfully