the pumps. W alking up to the broken garage door he stepped through and found the switch box for the pumps flipping it up he watched as the lights came on the pumps in the drive. “Sweeeeeeet ! ” He moved to the inside of the station and hit the button that cleared and reset the pumps then activated the one by his van. Going back out , he pulled the handle and flipped up the lever and began filling the van. As the van filled, Charlie walked around a little, listening for anything at all. He heard only the wind. He topped off the tank and simply hung the pump back up, “ I guess if there anybody else wants gas it’ll be ready for them.” He started to get in when he heard a thump. Listening careful it started coming harder and louder. Charlie looked across the lot to a church two doors down. The noise was coming from the door. Charlie walked down the street crossbow at the ready his eyes widened when he got to the steps of the church. A large steel bar had been placed across the door and padlocked down. Written in blood on the door, “Open at your own risk ALL DEAD INSIDE.” Charlie scanned the area for any signs of who might have locked up the biters. As he walked around he saw a badge in the bushes. It was a government badge with big yellow letters on it. CDC. Charlie picked it up and then noticed it had dried blood on the back. He turned it over several times looking at it carefully then placed it in his shirt pocket. The Biters inside the church had reached a highly agitated state. They were pounding furiously on the doors now. Charlie backed away and walked back to the van. Getting in he took out a small baggie from a box and placed the badge in it then washed his hands with P urell. Starting the van he pulled out and continued down the street. Every church he came to it was the same thing, bars on the doors with the warning outside. As he reached the edge of town so mething bright caught his eye, n ot on the ground but up in the sky. He kept trying to see what is was but it was out of view, only a flicker of bright reflection kept bouncing off the dash. Charlie finally pulled over and opened the door looking up he knew what it was. Three military helicopters were headed straight for him. Jumping back in , he closed the door and ducked down. The lead helicopter flew right over him and turned around coming back it hovered over the van moving around as the pilot was looking for signs of life. Charlie didn’t move he laid in the back praying they would just move on. The helicopter pulled up and rejoined the group as they headed back west. It was only a minute and the rockets were fired. Charlie watched out the back window as the peaceful town went up in flames. A large explosion rocked one of the helicopters and he watched as the pilot almost lost control. “That one hit the gas station I was just at,” he thought. Charlie didn’t dare move he could only hope that they would finish what they came to do and then move on. It seemed like an hour but was only ten minutes. The three helicopters flew back over the van and headed back east. Charlie stayed down till he was sure they were gone. Getting out he looked back to the town. The smoke and flames burned bright against the sky; to Charlie it looked like they had torched the whole town. “Humansville my ass,” he said to himself as he got back in and started the van. Looking at his Atlas he figured the helicopters came from Ft Leonard Wood. Scanning it he opted to begin heading south once more, he knew had to stay off any main highway now figuring there would be roving patrols. He didn’t trust the government now, he thought their whole plan was to annihilate everything. Turning off on a county road he began to drive southeast. Any town he came to he looked on the map and the road signs and began to figure out how to take gravel roads around them. He came upon an interstate and found a service road that ran under it. He drove for five hours, stopping for