Memorial at Memorial For instance, Sloan-Kettering are also
Richard Furlow, who is Pharmaceutical Sloan-Kettering.
of Bristol-Myers Kettering. The Paul Marx, is a of Memorial Sloan-Kettering] are Life Technologies, Merck, and so forth.
And so what happens, in effect, is that you have a . . . closed circle of people who are, on the one hand, directors of the world's largest cancer center; on the other hand, they are either officers or directors of the very companies that are producing the drugs which are used and advocated by these centers. . . . There are many,
industry influences the direction of cancer
many ways that the drug research, and of AIDS top directors at the President of
Manufacturers' Richard Gelb,
Squibb, President Director of the Board of Bristol-Myers Squibb, is a Vice Sloan-Kettering. James D. Robinson, a Director is another Vice President of Memorial Sloanof Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, of Pfizer [pharmaceuticals]. And others [officials Directors of Bio-Technology General,
research. You have to look at it from an economic point of view . . .
Moss points out that nutritional therapies—impossible to patent—and therapies like ozone and vitamin C and many others, have been either suppressed or ignored by the cancer establishment, by people looking at the issue, as he says, "from an economic point of view." The only treatments chosen are the ones that, strangely enough, turn out to be toxic—because these are the only ones that can be patented.
And patenting new drugs is extremely expensive. So if you were the head of a pharmaceutical company spending millions of dollars on a new drug that could earn hundreds of millions of dollars in profits, would you want people relying on herbs and vitamins to treat their illnesses? Would you want a regulatory agency like the FDA to be an advocate for safe, nontoxic treatments, rather than chemical therapies?
Interesting alternatives like Hoxsey's herbal treatments, and Royal Raymond Rife's frequency machine, that reputedly scored a 100-percent cure rate on terminal cancer patients, are not available options for patients searching for cures less harmful than the disease itself. And you might be surprised to learn that people living with HIV may not have to inundate their systems with drug cocktails, but could instead benefit from the restorative powers of oxygen in its purest form. Yet because giant, farreaching drug companies stand to lose so much, most patients are not made aware of the many alternative treatments that have been developed. To this day workable, testable alternatives to corporate medicine are not recognized by a system that is geared to maximize the profits of a pharmaceutical/medical establishment.
Censorship extends to information regarding the very nature of deadly viruses and crippling degenerative diseases. Mercury from dental fillings, for example, is actually toxic, and is thought to be the cause of some neurological disorders. And although we are confronted daily by the media with news about HIV, or even if we know someone who is living with AIDS, we probably don't know as much as we think about its origin. It's clear that what we don't know can hurt us. This is what happens when profits are prioritized over our health and our very lives.
This section contains descriptions of several revolutionary therapies for diseases that were formerly accepted as "untreatable" or "fatal." While the treatments described in this book have been shown to be effective for many people, they may not represent the best treatment for all cancers, immunodeficiency diseases, or other degenerative illnesses. Choosing a therapy for any life-threatening disease is a serious matter. You should read widely and discuss your options with a health professional in order to make an informed decision about which therapy or therapies you will use.
Does Medicine
Have a Bad Attitude?
James P. Carter
"... And besides, looking through those spectacles
Mike Piazza, Lonnie Wheeler