thought. Maybe I had come into contact with him but I just didn’t realize it at the time. That freak wind, that unending sense of cold—was it possible that Zach was now gone and transformed into a new type of entity that I never knew existed? Oh dear God, no! If he died thinking that I betrayed him, it could turn him into something dangerous and vengeful. I couldn’t let Rachel know what I was thinking—it would only cause her to freak out. We needed to both stay calm and find him as soon as possible. “We need to find him now , Rachel!” This time I was the one grabbing her arm and towing her behind. “Come on—let’s go !” Rachel firmly planted her feet in the doorway and shook her head no. “I can’t, Ruby! My intestinal tract is still a mess. I barely made it here from the theater in time, if you know what I mean. You’ll have to go find him yourself.” Just what I didn’t want to hear. I was afraid to go alone now just in case I found him dead somewhere. Lucas would go with me if I asked him to but I needed to stick firmly to what I’d said to Rachel. If I couldn’t be with Zach, I would rather be alone. My friendship with Lucas had to end tonight. It had to end now. All I needed was a ride back to the theater to grab my keys and phone. This was the last favor I would ever ask from Lucas. The theater wasn’t even that far away. What’s the worst that could happen? 2. Wicked Game CRASH!! I don’t know which was worse—the jarring blow as the Neon impacted with a large pine tree or the shock from the airbag thrusting into my face as I flew forward. It was sheer sensory overload. My ears were assaulted with the sounds of both crunching metal and what sounded like a close range gunshot. My left hand was still clutching the steering wheel and covered in the hot powder released by the airbag. My chest ached from where the seatbelt locked tightly around me and I was shaking all over. Nearly every part of my body hurt in some way but I was alive—I was definitely alive. Which was more than I could say for my car. I took one look at the crumpled front end and called the time of death. The Neon was most definitely totaled. I may have survived the accident but I was most certainly going to be dead when my dad found out. Once the first layer of shock from the accident wore off, I remembered why it happened in the first place. Ruby. Watching her kiss Lucas hurt far worse than hitting that tree did. I knew she was torn between the two of us but I begged her to tell me first if she decided that she didn’t want to be with me. She knew how upset that kiss was going to make me. Why couldn’t she just be honest with me? There’s no crueler thing in this world than to mess with someone’s heart when you know that they are in love with you. Even though she hurt me in the most terrible way, I was still just that—in love with her. How was I ever going to get over her? Was it even possible to get over her? God, I just wanted to curl up into a little cocoon and never come out again. The closest thing I had to a cocoon was my bed and that was exactly where I wanted to be—but first, I needed to get a ride home. Okay, make that the second thing I needed. First, I needed to find my phone. I always tossed it into one of the cup holders as soon as I got into the car but it definitely wasn’t there now. As a matter of fact, nothing was where I usually kept it. My car wasn’t just a wreck on the outside—it was a wreck on the inside, too. Every single thing was lying in a heap on the floor. As I dug through the pile of books, papers, and random crap lying on the passenger side floor, I imagined how mad my dad was going to be. He would go on and on about how my reckless driving just cost me tons of money. I would hear about how expensive cars are and that I should have taken better care of the one I had. Not to mention the five hour long speech about how much the cost of my insurance was about to go up.