I said smiling. Ronnie gave me a big grin and said "Just some souvenirs for my friends back East my dear.. May I borrow your car please? I would like to take them in and post them." As he was driving away, he called out the window "I'll be right back Mary. Wouldn't miss that steak dinner for anything" I waved as he pulled away from sight and thought "Ronnie is so nice! He's never mentioned marriage or even tried to kiss me. But if he does ask me, I think I will accept" The car was barely out of sight when Randy galloped up beside me. He looked tired!
"Randy," I said in surprise, "Did you get the rustlers?"
Randy scowled, "No such luck. The varmints got away. There's something mighty funny going on up on that north range. These ain't ordinary rustlers either." He got down off the horse and led him to the barn so he could get some rest. Poor Randy, he looked so tired that I forgot I was angry at him and took him into the house for a drink. We settled in the kitchen and I poured two big glasses of iced tea. Randy was still lost in thought but suddenly, he spoke again. "Something else is going on besides rustling. I'm sure of it. It's some kind of decoy. I'm thinking, something to keep us up on the north range when we should be looking somewhere else, Mary"
"Huh, I'm Mary again." I thought but aloud I said, "Then why haven't we heard of any trouble except up north?"
Randy was lost in thought again. He stayed that way for a good ten minutes before he got up and started gathering his stuff to leave. Just before he walked out the kitchen door, he looked at me and said "I heard you got a dude friend out here Mary. That maybe you're aiming to marry. I still love you Mary Roper. and I still want you. So keep that dude out of my way." With that, he walked out the door before I could even form the words to yell at him. I set to fixing the steaks for Ronnie and I and soon I had forgotten Randy's words. Ronnie and I shared a nice dinner and had a nice conversation.
I forgot all about Randy until the next morning at breakfast. Ronnie came down the stairs and sat the kitchen table. His eye was blackened.
"Good Grief, Ronnie!" What happened to your eye?"
"I couldn't sleep last night so I took a walk. I was having a smoke when this fellow named Randy attacked me. "
I didn't say a word. I went straight to the corral. Randy was there cleaning his horse and getting ready to go check on the cattle. I marched straight up to him and stuck my finger in his face. "You're fired! Get out right now. The very idea... striking Ronnie because you are jealous."
Randy was taken aback and it took him a full two minutes to speak. "But, Mary! It didn't happen that way at all. Caught him snooping around and when I asked him some questions, he got nasty" He said with his hands up in surrender.
"I don't beli eve you, Randy. He is a gentleman, not a ruffian! Please leave at once!" I said angrily and stomped out of the barn.
The next day, I stayed most of the day in my room. I just couldn't believe Randy would make such allegations against Ronnie. Randy had left early that morning; I was assuming to hunt for the rustlers again. I was sitting at my window staring out when I noticed Ronnie leaving again with a bundle wrapped up in a towel. "There goes Ronnie off to mail some more souvenirs home. Must be costing him a fortune. All those!" I thought it was strange but decided he must have his reasons and let it go. I stayed busy the rest of the day so I would not have to think about all my problems.
Later that night when I was laying in bed I heard tapping on my window.
"What? Someone tossing stones against my window, but who..at this hour?" I got up and looked out the window. "Randy, What are you doing here? Please go away!"
"No time to argue now Mary. Get dressed and come down quick. Something I want to show you. Bring a gun with you and you better dress for the saddle too"
I thought it was really strange, Randy was never usually that insistent on things.
L. Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter