too much and is absent partly different levels of emotional release calculated
paroxysms scug dissolve thinking parts of faces lower area of Clem
from the nose’s bottom to the line, an inch from the chin cliff not enough ever
Extra difficulty! His use of color! Firmness mirror custody of
the blow scale model I concede that it is to a degree instruments adequate
distances parched to touch each one with invisible kindly general delivery hands,
washing motions mirror To take turns and then say “Thank you” congress
of eyes turning with a firm, soft glance up Edward never extra density of
the blanched product rolling tongue child straight ahead broken
exterior facing natural gas To experience a definition placed neatly where
you can’t reach it and higher up Daytime experiences choler film bliss”
JANE replaced the Hermes Rocket on the shelf. Another letter completed. That made
twenty-five letters completed. Only eighteen more letters to complete. She had tried
to make them irritating in the extreme. She reread the last letter. She was trembling.
It was irritating in the extreme. Jane stopped trembling. There was Hogo to think
about, now, and Jane preferred to think about Hogo without trembling. “He knows when
I tremble. That is what he likes best.” Hogo drove Jane down Meat Street in his cobra-green
Pontiac convertible. Nobody likes Hogo, because he is loathsome. He always has a white
dog sitting upright in the front seat of the car, when Jane is not sitting there.
Jane likes to swing from the lianas that dangle from the Meat Street trees, so sometimes
she is not sitting there and the dog is sitting there instead. “For God’s sake can’t
you stay put?” “Sorry.” Jane fingered her amulet. “That canaille Hogo. If he wants an exotic girl like me then he has to put up with a few irregularities
from time to time.” Hogo is not very simpatico—not much! He changed his name to Hogo
from Roy and he wears an Iron Cross t-shirt and we suspect him of some sort of shady
underground connection with Paul—we haven’t figured out exactly what yet. “Hogo can
I have an ice cream—a chocolate swirl?” Hogo took the chocolate swirl andjammed it into Jane’s mouth, in a loathsome way. His mother loved him when he was
Roy, but now that he is Hogo she won’t even speak to him, if she can help it.
“IT is marvelous,” Snow White said to herself. “When the water falls on my tender
back. The white meat there. Give me the needle spray. First the hot, and then the
cold. A thousand tiny points of perturbation. More perturbation! And who is it with
me, here in the shower? It is Clem. The approach is Clem’s, and the technique, or
lack of it, is Clem, Clem, Clem. And Hubert waits outside, on the other side of the
shower curtain, and Henry in the hall, before the closed door, and Edward is sitting
downstairs, in front of the television, waiting. But what of Bill? Why is it that
Bill, the leader, has not tapped at my shower-stall door, in recent weeks? Probably
because of his new reluctance to be touched. That must be it. Clem you are down-right
anti-erotic, in those blue jeans and chaps! Artificial insemination would be more
interesting. And why are there no in-flight movies in shower stalls, as there are
in commercial aircraft? Why can’t I watch Ignace Paderewski in Moonlight Sonata , through a fine mist? That was a picture. And he was president of Poland, too. That
must have been interesting. Everything in life is interesting except Clem’s idea of
sexual congress, his Western confusion between the concept, ‘pleasure,’ and the concept,
Christopher Knight, Alan Butler