presumably no other Crystal
Ships would come. The Shrike had destroyed the first Crystal Ship,
at the cost of his world, and that had deterred the Envoys for
fifty years. Would the destruction of a second prevent them from
returning at all? Endrix seemed to think so, and she had to assume
that he was right. There had to be a chance, however, no matter how
slim, that the Sharvan prediction was wrong, and no Envoy would
ever appear.
Cheered by
this thought, she shifted into a more comfortable position and
changed the subject. “My ship can’t identify the substance the
black ship’s made of. What is it?”
“ This is a question that, regrettably, I am unable to answer.
Suffice it to say that it is a form of crystal unknown to your
people, and to explain its composition would only confuse you. It
is immensely strong and impervious to stress, but porous to the
energy of the first dimension. I believe it was created with energy
from the first dimension, but I am unsure.” Endrix paused. “I am
pleased you took my advice and sought the Shrike’s aid. He has
given you a fine ship.”
She pulled a
face. “It’s just a loan. He doesn’t like me.”
“ If he did not like you, he would not have given you a ship,
“ Oh, it’s nothing personal. He just thinks I’m a silly young
girl who might become a nuisance with her dumb romantic ideas. He
has a nasty habit of reading minds. He must be a monk, because he
can’t have a girlfriend or wife if he never takes that damned mask
off.” She paused. “Well, I suppose he could, but I pity
“ I have followed the Shrike’s life with great interest. He is
a fascinating man. He does not have a wife, although the Antians
had the same sort of life bonding ritual as your people did. I
should warn you that I doubt you will ever be allowed to get close
to him. He has a morbid dislike for such things.”
“ Why?”
“ I cannot reveal his secrets.”
She leant
forward, the hard floor forgotten. “You know what he looks like,
don’t you?”
“ Indeed. He looks like an Antian, what else?”
“ No, I mean details. Is he ugly, disfigured, what? Why does he
hide behind a mask?”
“ Ah.” Endrix sounded amused. “I recall no disfigurement, but I
am no judge of ugliness, so I cannot say. He has good reason to
wear the mask, but that I cannot reveal.”
Rayne sighed.
“You’re a big help. So far, anyone who might have told me something
knows nothing, and anyone who knows something won’t tell me
“ That is how he has survived. He will not live long once his
rivals know his true identity.”
“ Why?” She raised her hands, forestalling his reply. “I know,
you can’t tell me his secrets.”
“ Correct.”
Rayne rose and
stretched, walked around the chamber twice, then stopped in front
of Endrix again. “Can I stay here?”
“ Why would you want to? This is a lonely and inhospitable
“ I don’t want to go back to Atlan just yet, and there’s
nowhere else. I just feel like being alone for a while. Perhaps
it’s what I need to prepare. I’ll send Rawn a message.”
“ You are unhappy. You fear the Envoy’s coming, but remaining
alone will only increase your feelings of isolation. You should be
with friends. Forget about the future until the Crystal Ship
appears. Not much time remains.”
She suppressed
a shiver and shook her head. “I need to get used to the idea, and
try to figure out what I’m supposed to do about the Envoy. Also,
I’ll be safe here. The Draycons will never find me.”
“ If this is your wish, I have no objection.”
“ Thanks.” She sighed. “I just need to get my head
Rayne returned
to Shadowen to collect some cushions and a little food and water,
then settled down for some in-depth discussions with Endrix. The
entity answered her questions, and created holograms to illustrate
complex things. They mostly discussed the Envoy, and explored
several ways in which she might