you decide how you do your next cycle, instead of starting with week 1, you could start with either weeks 2, 3, or 4 and work through them to achieve the 8-pound loss that you’re hoping to achieve. If these three weeks are not enough to knock off the final 8 pounds, you can always go on and redo other weeks of the cycle.
For those who have 25 pounds or less to lose, you can start with week 1 in the cycle, but don’t be surprised if you don’t see large results early on. Prime week really is about getting you organized for the next five weeks, and while others will lose 3 to 5 pounds even while priming, you might only see minimal weight loss. Don’t be discouraged in the least. This is completely normal and has no bearing on your potential success during the rest of the cycle. You should really see progress in week 2, Challenge. Because you begin closer to your target weight than most, your adherence to the guidelines of the program is critical for fast and optimal results. Because you don’t have a significant amount of weight to lose compared to many others—who might have 40 pounds or more—your margin of error is narrower. Don’t be discouraged, but be inspired to really give it your all. While it won’t hurt you to start your cycle with week 1, you can also skip Prime and go right to week 2.
SHRED is not only about what you eat, but how you move. The exercise requirement for each day is spelled out just the way the daily menus are. There is no doubt that you can lose significant weight just by following the menus and making the dietary choices the plan recommends, but you should be looking for more than that. Exercise is critical for maximizing weight loss. This is what SHREDDING is all about. Better nutritional choices and exercise are a one-two punch when it comes to weight loss. But beyond the number on the scale, exercise is critical for overall wellness. Building lean muscle mass through resistance training will increase your metabolism, which in turn increases how many calories your body burns. Exercise is important to strengthen your bones, improve blood flow, reduce your risk for diabetes, reduce your risk for heart diseases, and increase balance and flexibility.
When the plan calls for a certain amount of exercise for that day, the plan also gives you flexibility in how you complete it. For example, until you get accustomed to exercising on a regular basis, rather than trying to do all of the recommended daily exercise at once, you should consider breaking it up into two sessions. If, let’s say, the exercise requirement is 40 minutes, but you don’t have time to complete it all at once or your endurance is not equal to accomplishing it all in one session, feel free to break the workout up into two 20-minute sessions that day. The key is not just the amount of exercise you do, but the intensity of the exercise. Stop pretending that exercising will not deliver any benefits and is simply a waste of time. You need to get your heart rate up and perform at a moderate level of intensity. If you can complete the exercise for any given day in a more intense manner, then you will achieve your goals faster.
The first cycle of SHRED requires only that you participate in cardio. This is by design. Don’t interpret this as meaning that resistance training (lifting free weights, weight machines, using resistance bands) is a bad thing. Quite the contrary. In fact, after you do the first SHRED cycle, I recommend that you add weight lifting or some other type of resistance training to your regimen. Building lean muscle mass increases your metabolism, which in turn helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Resistance training has other health benefits, too, such as improving blood flow, increasing bone density and strength, improving mobility and balance, and preventing medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.
Those who do more than one cycle should begin resistance