Shattered (Dividing Line #5)

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Book: Shattered (Dividing Line #5) Read Free
Author: Heather Atkinson
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stared at him blankly, as though he couldn’t process what he was being told. Slowly he got to his feet and peered through the window. Fortunately the blinds were still drawn. “Why have they put him there when they know he tried to kill her?”
    “Because they think he tried to save her.”
    “Because that’s what I told them.”
    Rick rounded on him. “How could you after what he did to her? What sort of husband are you?”
    Ryan tried not to be offended, he knew Rick was upset but nevertheless the barb still stung. “I said it to protect her. There are very dangerous people involved in this who at the moment are on our side. That would soon change if I grassed to the police. They’d come after us all, including Rachel. This way we stay safe and we stay out of prison and Alex isn’t arrested, leaving me free to get rid of him once and for all. If you’ve any better suggestions about how to handle the situation I’d love to hear them.”
    Rick held up his hands. “I’m sorry Ryan, you went after her and you saved her life.”
    “Actually it was Beth who saved her. She was the one who shot Alex.”
    Rachel started to stir, her eyes flickering.
    “Rachel?” said Rick, leaning over his daughter.
    “Dad?” she said, forcing her eyes open.
    “It’s me baby girl, I’m here.”
    “Dad,” she repeated, a tear sliding down her face.
    Rick took her hand. “Don’t talk, just rest. You need to get back on your feet as soon as possible.”
    “The kids?”
    “Are safe and well. Don’t worry about them. They’re enjoying their holiday. Me and Ryan are right here so you can rest easy.”
    She gave him a slow nod before her eyes slid shut again.
    When Mikey walked in he hesitated. He hadn’t realised Rick would be here so soon and he didn’t want him hearing what he had to tell Ryan. He didn’t really want Ryan to hear it either.
    “How are you Rick?” said Mikey, extending his hand.
    Rick regarded his proffered hand with distaste. “I don’t shake hands with Maguires.”
    “This isn’t down to me. Rachel’s like my sister.”
    “She was like Alex’s sister once and look what happened there.”
    “I would never…”
    “Yeah I bet Alex said that once and all. This room is a Maguire-free zone so you can piss off.”
    “I love Rachel too, I’m trying to help.”
    Rick stood nose to nose with him. “All you care about is grabbing what you can before he gets back on his feet,” he said, pointing in Alex’s direction. “I don’t want you or anyone called Maguire anywhere near my daughter. Since she met Danny she’s spent half her life in hospital. You’re rotten, the lot of you. You all had the cheek to look down on the Montford and the Laws when they’re twice the family you are. Now fuck off,” he yelled in Mikey’s face.
    His raised voice roused Rachel from her sleep.
    “It’s alright Babe,” said Ryan, stroking her hair.
    Reassured, her eyes closed again.
    “Alright, if that’s what you want,” said Mikey, hoping he didn’t look as hurt as he felt. He took one last look at Rachel before heading for the door. “Ryan, can I talk to you?”
    Ryan nodded, experiencing a touch of nervousness because he knew he was about to find out exactly what Rachel had endured. He kissed her forehead before following Mikey out of the room.
    “Do you want us to leave too?” Battler asked Rick.
    “Your last name isn’t Maguire, is it?”
    “Then you can stay,” he replied, retaking his seat. He looked through the window towards Alex’s room with murder on his mind.

    “You spoke to Beth?” Ryan asked Mikey, opening the door of the Relative’s Room. He bobbed his head inside to make sure it was empty before entering.
    “I did,” he replied.
    They sat opposite each other and Mikey began to relate what he’d learnt.
    It was a surprise to Ryan to find out that Nick’s own brother had sold him and Beth out and that Alex had murdered Martina.
    “The sick

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