dean. “But there are lots of tablets in the market, what would your invention do any differently?” “My medicine is entirely different. It doesn't boost memory power. It erases recent memories.” “Who will buy a drug that erases memories?” the dean asked with a laugh. “What a useless medicine! I can't believe you've been wasting all your time and the university's resources on this.” The professor hadn't expected these comments from the dean. All his life he'd worked hard and no one had recognized it. While others were home, he was researching. It was just like the dean to not see the applications for such a drug. In his life nobody ever rewarded him also nobody was as smart or as hard working as he was. “No, this is not an over the counter medicine,” knowledge of. cure AIDS or John said, biting back his anger. “It would be prescribed only by physician...” “Are doctors mad enough to prescribe this medicine to make the patients forget their own memories? Then who will pay the fee?” The dean burst into a fit of laughter. “No,” yelled John, losing his temper. He walked over to a shelf and took down an old newspaper and few other papers to show to the dean. The dean stopped laughing and looked at the papers John had brought him. “Every 40 seconds a person commits suicide. Every year more than one million people commit suicide. This death rate is higher than deaths from AIDS. And the suicide attempt rate is far greater. It's 8 to 25 times higher than than these statistics.” One of the paper showed ‘In the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide, these statistics are based on 2012 WHO report’ “How are these statistics related to your research?” the dean asked seriously. “My medicine will save a lot of people who would otherwise commit suicide. A large number of people who are depressed or have suicidal tendencies have traumatic memories that prevent them from living their lives. This medicine will help them to forget that trauma and allow them to proceed with their lives. At the present, my medicine can erase up to the last 48 hours of memories.” “Perhaps I was quick to judge your research without considering its applications. This is actually very excellent, professor! You've performed an invaluable service to mankind with this.” “Thank you.” “When you will complete this?” asked the dean after being silent for a moment. “Based on the amount of drug consumed, it has the potential to erase up to the last 48 hours of memories. Currently I'm in the process of extending the duration to the last six months.” “So you've tested this medicine?” “Yes. I've tested it on rabbits and also have run some trials on myself. No side effects so far.” The dean’s money mind woke up immediately. “It is a great product. We have to get a patent before going to market.” The professor understood completely what was happening. The dean was trying to associate himself with him to this research but John was not in a position to deny him. “I will take care of everything,” the dean said with a smile. “I need the materials and information you have so we can get a patent on it. We'll share the profit of 50:50. What do you think?” “It’s my pleasure. You know as well as I do that I'm not a businessman. You can take it forward, but before that, let me show you how it works.” “I think I've got it figured out. That red liquid is your medicine. You feed it to the rabbit and it forgets its recent memories.” “What you have said is exactly correct, dean” “But how do you test with the rabbits and identify if it is working or not?” “That’s very simple. Wait a minute and I will demonstrate with a rabbit.” “Let us have a coffee before this demo”, the dean bought two coffees from the coffee vending machine and mixed the red liquid medicine into the John's coffee while John was fetching the rabbit for testing. The