as she leaned towards Johnny. She had an endless mental list of foul names for the man, but she refused to even voice them out of stubbornness. Jerk was perfect and wouldn’t feed anyone’s ego. Blowing out a breath, she took a step back and smoothed a hand over her hair as she sought to get back to the topic at hand. With a vague gesture towards the kitchen, she asked, “And his name is Sam?” At least it wasn't some silly nickname.
“ Yeah, and he seemed like a nice enough guy before. Bought drinks all night long.”
“ He's after something. You know that, right?” There was a fishy smell about the situation, but then again, that was par for the course where her brother was concerned. She turned from him. “Get the blood cleaned up, take Tuck back, and then return here pronto. This isn't a hospital and one year of med school doesn't make me a doctor. I'm just a paramedic.”
“ You're the best paramedic I know.” He gave her one of his trademark grins and she rolled her eyes.
Johnny reached out and tousled her hair in the way he'd done since he was a kid. He knew she hated when he did that. It annoyed her how it called attention to the unruly curls that she fought to keep under control, but it was also his way of reminding her that they were siblings. She swatted his hand. “Knock it off. Besides, I'm the only paramedic you know.”
His grin only widened. “I'll be back in in a few hours, Molls. I swear it.” The screen door slammed as he left.
Molly shook her head and went to bathroom medicine cabinet and juggled peroxide, bandages, and tape down the hall to the kitchen. Setting the supplies beside the paper towe ls and clean rags on the table, she tried to think if she'd need anything else. She grabbed an old bath towel from the linen closet as an afterthought, tossing it on the floor just in front of Sam's foot. His eyes followed her movements but every few seconds he closed them and a muscle in his jaw tensed. His color didn’t look so good and she wondered just how badly he was hurt. Johnny had made it sound like the guy just had a few scratches.
“ I'm sorry to cause you trouble, ma'am.” His voice was deep with a hint of roughness.
Molly tore o ff strips of tape and hung them on the edge of the table so they'd be easy to reach when she needed a piece. “I'll be honest. I'm not thrilled about my brother dropping you off here. I'll do what I can, but I'm not a doctor, just a paramedic.”
“ I appreciate it.”
She moved to the sink, filled a bowl with warm water and returned, setting it on the table beside his chair. The back of his leather jacket had a gash angling from just below the shoulder blade area, ending at the right shoulder. Great. He could have a spinal injury and here she was treating him with tape and paper towels at her kitchen table. “You should go to a hospital. You know that, don't you?”
Sam lifted his head, his eyes hard. “That's not an option.”
He moved as if t o stand, and she rested a hand on his shoulder, pressing down lightly. “Sit. I said I'd do what I could, but I'd be remiss if I didn't advise you that you'd be better off with a real doctor.”
He gasped, grimacing, and she snatched her hand away. “Sorry. I hope I didn't hurt you.”
He nodded, but his face was pale against his dark hair. “No. It's okay.”
“ Listen, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's take a look and see what we're dealing with, okay? If it's beyond my scope, I'll let you know.”
His eyes met hers. Not quite green, but not quite hazel, they wavered for a moment as he let out a deep breath. “Yeah. Okay.”
“ First, I'm Molly—Johnny's sister.”
“ Johnny?” His brow knit in confusion.
“ You probably know him as Flea.” She shook her head and couldn't hold back the sarcasm. “His buddies in that motorcycle,” she made air quotes with her fingers, “ club , gave him that stupid nickname.”
“ Ah. Yeah. I figured it wasn't his given name.”