list of his contracted souls and the names of his demons and their divisions along with magic spells. The book is said to give enormous power to any human possessing it. A bit of warning, the longer a person has the book, the darker their soul becomes. I don’t think Nick knew what he was lifting. He hid the key to the lockbox in a folder in front of the air filer in the vent return in his office.”
A shiver ran up Sandy’s spine. “Lucifer’s Testament? I saw where Nick hid the folder when I held his arm this morning. I have to get the key before Cole gets it.” Sandy pulled into Nick’s driveway.
Baldric placed his hand on her knee. “Luc tortures humans, and he doesn’t care if the human is man, woman, or child. The closer you get to his operation or his book, the more dangerous your quest becomes.”
Sandy squeezed his hand. “I know it’s dangerous. He tried to kill Anna last summer. Luc won’t stop, and we can’t either. Hey, to change the subject, if I die, will I see you in heaven?”
Baldric stared into her eyes and raised her hand to his lips. He pressed a feather soft kiss on the back of her hand. “I’m not ready for your demise, but if you die today, I will find you in the Everafter.”
A slow grin lit Sandy’s face. It was reassuring to hear she would see Baldric again if she died. Sandy jumped out of the car, pulled the hood of her coat down around her ears, and zipped it up to her neck. Her snow boots crunched footprints into the sidewalk as she walked up to the front door and pressed the bell.
An older woman, whom Sandy guessed was Martha’s sister, Alice, opened the door. The woman’s eyes were red and swollen with tears. “Yes, may I help you?”
Sandy said, “I’m sorry for your loss. I’m Sandy Cothran with Channel 3 News, and I have a lead on Nick’s killer. I don’t have a lot of time to explain, and we’re probably being watched. Is there any way I could borrow the keys to Henry’s Tailor Shop?”
Alice motioned Sandy into the den and stammered, “I know who you are. I-I think he has an extra set of keys in the bedroom nightstand. I’ll be right back.”
Sandy stepped into the little den and found Martha. She lay in a hospital bed, staring out a bay window into the backyard. Sandy placed her hand on Martha’s forearm. Martha’s mind was intact. Sandy took a deep breath and said, “Martha, I’m going to help you find Nick’s killer. I promise.”
Martha answered with her mind. Poor Nick. Did he suffer?
Sandy shook her head slowly. “I was with him until the paramedics arrived. His last words before he moved into the heavenly realm were, I’m sorry, Martha .”
Martha blinked several times as tears ran down her cheeks. She asked telepathically, How do you understand me?
Sandy said, “I can read a person’s thoughts or visualize their past by touch or holding something belonging to them. I’ve been able to do it for years.”
Alice walked in the den and pressed the keys into Sandy’s hand. “Here’s the extra set of keys. Please be careful, Ms. Cothran.”
“I will. I’ll get the keys back to you. Thanks for trusting me.” Sandy squeezed Alice’s hand and left the house.
* * *
Eight o’clock in the morning and Sandy felt like it was midnight. Before starting her car, Sandy looked at Baldric sitting in the passenger seat. “Why do bad things happen to good people? Cole is a freaking wart on humanity. All for what? The love of money? Wealth?”
Baldric placed his hands on his knees. “I don’t have the right answer for you. All I can say is Cole’s free will is directly responsible for the agony of many. Luc has used him for decades. Luc has a stronghold here and will not relinquish it without a fight. You get the folder with the key, and I’ll fight off any demons who try to stop you. We’ll go to the bank, get the book, and drive straight to Everglade Farms. There’s a meeting tonight with your team.”
Before starting the car, Sandy