marble will keep moving, this will simulate the thrust of the ship.
Bear in mind that many of the dimples are as large around as manhole covers and start out very shallow before curving dramatically into a deep hole.
Now, if the marble intersects the edge of one of these dimples at the exact right speed – and maintains it - it will circle the hole without ever falling in.
The hole and the dimple represent, of course, a star and its gravity well. When a ship is in stellar orbit, circling the dimple, it can increase its speed to go careening off into space or it can decrease its speed to drop lower into the gravity well. The calculations of knowing exactly how deep the well is and exactly what speed is needed to maintain orbit is only a small part of an astrogator’s duties - and is usually handled by the far more common class of astrogator wannabes, called pilots.
What takes even more calculation is to use the edge of the dimple to alter the ship’s trajectory. The goal is not to be captured in orbit but rather to be slung around to a new course without reducing speed or expending energy.
To really understand what an astrogator does, a person would need to calculate and launch the marble from the edge of the surface so that it maneuvers its way around all the dimples. Its launch would have to be such that it would avoid some of those dimples and get close enough to others to have its course curved and changed, and have the trajectory so perfect that it arrives at that small pinpoint at the other edge.
There is no such thing as a straight line in space.
This is the task of an astrogator.
It’s an impossible task unless that same person is allowed to stop and make mid-course corrections.
Even so, there’s still not one person out of one-thousand that has the mental capacity to make the marble arrive within even a few yards of the pinpoint destination - especially if they have to plot past more than a few gravity wells per jump.
What made Sami Parker so special, however, is that somehow she could consistently make that marble arrive within a few inches of that destination – and do it with fewer course corrections than almost anyone else.
Of course, this is talking about a flat surface and space is three-dimensional. In addition, the stars and their gravity wells are also constantly moving and changing their position in relation to each other. All of this adds a thousand levels of complexity to the equation.
This is a big reason why space travel is so incomprehensible to most people. It also helps demonstrate why Sami’s skill was so valuable.
It wasn’t just the accuracy of her trajectories; it was the amount of time that was saved by not having to constantly drop out of Dreamspace to recalculate.
How much time does it typically take to travel from one point in space to another? It depends upon what path the ship takes and how many stops it needs to make to readjust its course. Therefore, two ships with equal engines might take significantly different travel times to reach the same destination – depending upon the skill of the astrogator.
Most people think that when a ship breaks planetary orbit it simply flies off in the direction it wants to go. That, however, is never the case.
Spaceships don’t travel from planet to planet; they travel from the orbit of one star to the orbit of another star.
Once a ship breaks planetary orbit it is still orbiting the star. Instead of trying to power itself up the steep side of the star’s gravity well it is much more efficient to simply increase its orbital speed until the centrifugal force pushes it up and out from the dimple.
So when traveling in space a ship breaks the orbit of one star and travels its circuitous route to the orbit of another star.
If someone was watching the marble on the flat surface again, that person would see it moving just fast enough at the edge of