one could cut the thick steamy air with a knife even at 7:00 a.m.
The Compound had a great ventilation system and an even better air conditioning system that never got used these days. They were always rationing fuel and would not run the air conditioning. Beth had tried to get the Navy to run electricity from Mobile’s reactor, but John said no. It wouldn’t be right for them to have air conditioning when most of Alabama didn’t even have electricity and Mobile citizens weren’t allowed to run their air conditioners.
Beth stayed busy taking care of baby Jenn and John’s and her adopted children, Billy and Lindsey. John’s son, Scott, had started calling Billy by the nickname Little Gus after the small boy shot him with a 1911 Colt .45. The bullet was stopped by Scott’s own pistol, but Scott was knocked on his ass and had a large bruise on his chest for weeks. Jenn was only a few months old and kept Beth very busy. Her two children from a previous marriage, Kristie and Randy, were getting ready for school. Kristie was a big help with Little Gus and Lindsey. She herded them through getting dressed and fed, then took them to their classes. Randy was too busy with his military training and studies to be much help, not that he wanted to help anyway.
The Compound had been built by The Department of Homeland Security as a base of operations for the Gulf Coast. It was meant to be used to house thousands of DHS troops who were to subdue the population and prevent them from rebelling against the traitorous US president and the DHS after the planned attack on his own population. John’s team attacked the Compound, killed most of the DHS and captured the Field Marshall of Alabama. The Field Marshall was tried, convicted and later executed for torture, rape and many other criminal activities.
John’s ex-wife, Ann and Beth had become good friends and were helping prepare for Gus and Ginny’s wedding at the end of the month. Gus’s first wife had been killed in one of the early battles and Ginny lost her husband on the first day when the lights went out. Ginny was George’s daughter and was half Gus’ age. She set her sights on him and she chased him until he caught her as Gus says.
Beth looked across the table at Ann and said, “I don’t know how you can be the Mayor of Mobile, still find time for Bob and help out with the wedding. These three kids keep me worn out and I don’t have to put up with a bunch of pissed off citizens because their garbage wasn’t picked up today.”
“Damn, you heard about the garbage already?”
“No, I was just making that up.”
“Beth, I really enjoy the work and Bob is gone most of the time so it keeps me busy.”
“When are you and Bob going to tie the knot? He needs to make an honest woman out of you.”
“We have actually discussed that and probably won’t get married until after the first of the year. We would like things to calm down a bit and get some of the conflict around the ISA beaten down.”
“Well, then I’ll change the subject. What are we going to do about the TP and feminine hygiene product shortage? Hell, we may even run out of newspaper and magazines. I miss my soft TP with aloe and perfume.”
“You are too funny, however, this is getting serious. Our team just restarted one of the paper mills that produced facial tissue and we hope to work out the bugs by the end of August. The engineers call the current product 'The Navy Seal TP'.”
“Wait! Gus already pulled that on me. It’s rough and tuff and won’t take no shit off nobody! Just like a Seal!”
They both burst out laughing and couldn’t stop until one of the other women came over and asked what was going on.
“Beth, I haven’t had a good laugh since they pulled you out of the shit house holding tank.”
“A real friend wouldn’t bring that up. I saved Jenn’s and my life diving into the septic tank to duck away from those machine gun bullets when the USA attacked the
Nancy Toback, Candice Miller Speare
Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton