Return to Pearl Island, Bonus Chapters
lack of damage, but everything. For you, Lauren, and AJ. For all the good things that have happened over the years. I feel... “ His chest swelled with joy as he stared into her amazing blue eyes. “I feel incredibly blessed.”
    “Me too.” She smiled up at him as love replaced the worry and nerves until her face glowed. “Me too.”
    Releasing her hands, he cupped her face, marveling at how just being with her filled him up inside. “I love you, Aurora.”
    “I love you too.”
    Lowering his head, he covered her mouth with his own and poured everything he felt into a long kiss that came from the heart. Her arms twined about his neck as she went up on her toes, pressing her body to his. As desire stirred, blending with tenderness, he wished all the family, friends, guests, and news crew a thousand miles away. He wanted Aurora as passionately as he’d always wanted her. His hands moved to her hips, pressing her against him. Her throaty moan told him she felt the same. For one insane moment, he wondered if they had time to slip into the office and lock the door for two really quick, really hot minutes.
    Then someone opened the front door. “Oh, there you are.”
    He sprang back and saw the silhouette of the female news producer backlit by the morning sunlight.
    The woman checked her watch and a clipboard. “We only have a few minutes, so we need to get you fitted with a mic.”
    “Okay,” Aurora said, sounding winded. “I’ll be right there.”
    The woman went back out, closing the door behind her.
    “Well.” Chance released a breath, willing his body to settle. “That was annoying.”
    “Being interrupted twice in a row. First Lauren, now the news people.”
    “At least you managed to distract me.” Her laughter finally sounded real.
    “My pleasure.” He noted the flush of color in her cheeks and wiggled his brows in a promise to do something about that later. “You ready?”
    “You know what?” She looked around and a confident smile settled over her face. “I am. Thanks to you and Marguerite.”
    “To Marguerite?”
    “For reminding me I’m a Bouchard, descended from the Pearl of New Orleans. We cower before no audience.”
    He laughed out right at that.
    “What?” She frowned in confusion.
    “You realize most people fear ghosts. Around here, we treat them as part of the family.”
part of the family.”
    “True,” he conceded. “And if a visit from Marguerite is what you needed, then I’m glad she popped in.”
    “Me too.” She beamed up at him.
    “All right, then.” He inhaled deeply, breathing in the moment it. “Let’s go.”
    Hand in hand, they walked to the front door and out into the sun-washed day.


Return to Pearl Island, Part Two
Scott and Allison

Seven Years Later
    “Allison, seriously, my mind is made up. I’m not going.”
    “Scott, that’s silly,” Alli argued from the passenger’s seat of the SUV. Amused exasperation danced in her eyes. “There’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t go.”
    “No reason?” He gaped at her. “You just had a baby–”
    “Two months ago.”
    “–and you expect me to take off to New Orleans for a week?”
    “Five days.”
    “To do a
book signing
    Patience tempered her amusement. “I know how much you hate promoting your own books, but it’s not exactly your average book signing. It’s a major fundraising event to help rebuild the libraries destroyed by hurricane Katrina.”
    “I’m only one of the authors they invited.”
    “But you’d be the star attractions.”
    “No, the cause is the star attraction.” Reaching the bridge to Pearl Island, he turned through the massive stone columns topped with gargoyles. The moment he heard the tires slapping against the ancient bridge the stress of the last few days began to melt from his shoulders. A narrow expanse of blue water spread to either side, separating the lush, private island from the main island of Galveston.

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