our rest.”
He stepped away from me and it was with a profound longing that I watched him slip into the gloom and disappear. When I was sure I could see him no longer I picked up his pack, including the heavily wrapped block of silver, then walked the rest of the way alone.
It was late by the time I arrived back at the Garden of Shadow, a large cave system leading into the limestone heart of one of the many mountains in the Brindabella Ranges, a series of mountains in the Bimberi Nature Reserve that separated the Australian Capital Territory from New South Wales . The moment I stepped into the warm, welcoming cave mouth I felt like I was home.
“You took a while,” came Asena’s voice further down the cave.
I smiled as she stepped into view, and I lowered the large sack of supplies. “Sorry. Ishan and I talked for a while.”
“Mmm. We saw.”
I cocked an eyebrow curiously. “You… saw?”
“We watched you come in, from a distance. Ishan knew, too. We had to make sure he would respect our boundaries.”
“Ishan’s not your enemy,” I said, “he’s trying to help.”
“He’s a Rewa. His loyalties are to his own kind.” Asena held up a hand. “I know he loves you, it’s obvious, but that doesn’t change what he is.”
I bit my tongue, wanting to argue the point, but instead I reached down and opened the canvas bag. “I bought everything.”
Asena crouched beside the bundle, nodding her head in appreciation. “Okay, good.”
“Can I leave you with this?” I glanced down the cave, towards the bed that Asena had set up for me when I was injured. “I’m going to head to bed.”
In truth I felt wide awake and nervous about the coming dawn, but it wasn’t exhaustion that drove me to want to sleep. To sleep was to dream, and I missed Ishan already.
Asena gave me a wide smile. “A’right, you. Hit the sack. We’re up in five hours, so make it quick.”
Five hours. It had to be long enough. Without wasting any more time I strode down the dimly lit cave system towards the little hollow that held my bed.
Chapter III
Winter In Our Dreams
I struggled to let sleep take me, tossing and turning amongst the thick blankets, keeping my eyes closed. I tried everything I could: I thought of something, I thought of nothing, I counted until the aggravation caused me to stop.
But finally, eventually my body did its thing. My breathing slowed, my mind released its hold on the present, and for a few hours I slept.
Ishan and I shared a place when we dreamed. A wondrous, bright place that seemed to be overflowing with nature, with verdant grass and pleasant breezes.
Not this place. I opened my eyes and found myself at the usual place, the top of a hill with a single lone tree upon it. But the sky was dark, not its usual bright hue, and snow fluttered all around me. The air was cold on my bare skin, but not as cold as it should have been, and small clumps of white powder formed in patches over the grass.
I looked around, frantically, trying to find him. He was normally here, right next to me, and the sun was normally brilliant and warm. This wasn’t right. I ran to the top of the hill, kicking up puffs of snow when I stepped on a small patch of white, and looked around in all directions. I could see no sign of him. Panic rose in my chest.
Then I felt strong, calm hands take hold of me and I relaxed, settling back into his arms.
“Sorry.” Ishan’s voice, strong and confident, but also edged with something. Stress?
“It’s okay.” I looked over my shoulder, smiling at him, drinking in the view of his sky blue eyes. “Where were you?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing. I looked around, I couldn’t see you.”
Worrying, but I put it out of my mind. “I’m here now,” I said, snuggling my back up against his bare chest. His hands stroked over my abdomen.
“I’m glad.”
“I don’t feel cold,” I said, “but it’s snowing… it’s