mean it. This has been a pretty big shock to me.”
“We’ll work it out after the mission. I promise,” Angie answered. “I want you in my life, Josh.”
Her wristpad beeped. “The General wants me to have one last meeting with his planning staff. I need to go.”
“Okay...” Joshua felt emotionally drained, but he still trusted her. “I’ll be there for you. Go meet the General. We’ve all got prep to do.”
“Thank you, d ear.” Angie replied, giving him a real kiss on the lips before she left.
Still thinking about Angie, Joshua tried to focus his thoughts on the tasks at hand. They all had a mission to perform.
The two HARM units were loaded into the cavernous cargo bay of the transport facing forward, one behind the other. Only a narrow walkway remained on each side of the bulky armoured robots to permit access around them. Each HARM was positioned in a kneeling position with its arms down in front and fists knuckle down on the floor. This allowed them to fit inside the transport and allowed for easy boarding via the front chest hatches. Standing, each of the third generation humanoid robots would have been just over 12 metres tall and weighed 30 tons without the combat load added. Most people thought HARM units looked like giant armoured knights i n blocky armour with squat, helmeted heads.
Just over three and a half hours of flight time had elapsed from Diego Garcia. They were approaching the coast of Tanzania now, about an hour out from the drop zone. Joshua and Penny had finished their own walk- around and systems check of their robots. Their crews had loaded up the machines with live munitions and prepped all the systems for live combat. There was not much left to do but review their mission briefing, the plan, and wait.
Penny was the talkative type , and n ormally she would have some kind of chatter going on. Now, she was unusually quiet .
“Mission jitters or wondering what happened back at the briefing room with Angie?” Joshua guessed.
“A little of both,” Penny replied. “I don’t want to pry, but is everything okay? I know I’m surprised… so…”
“We’ll have to see…” Joshua just shook his head. “I never saw it coming, but I think it’ll be okay. Angie did say she was sorry, and I kind of believe her.”
Penny thought for a moment. “She is a good spy then. I hope she is telling the truth. In Japan there is an old proverb. ‘Don't let your daughter-in-law eat your eggplants.’ ”
“What the heck does that mean?”
“One meaning is don’t let yourself be taken advantage of.” She gave Joshua a hug, her face only going up to the top of his chest. “Take it slow, Josh. It’ll all work out in time. You might be my superior officer, but I’m still your friend, and you have many others. Let us help if you need it.”
“Thanks. That means a lot.” Joshua briefly hugged her back then separated. “I suppose we should review the plans one last time.”
Their crew chief approached Jos hua and interrupted them. “Sir. I have Dr. Chan on the secure line. She would like to speak to you.”
Joshua had known Janet Chan for over ten years now, and she had even recruited him to be one of the first HARM pilots, but he still knew very little about her. She kept to herself and was always immersed in her work as General Automata Corporations Chief Robot Scientist. She was in her mid-sixties now, but showed no signs that she would retire soon.
Joshua went over to the secure satellite uplink terminal which showed Janet, her grey hair immaculately styled as always , patiently waiting on the visual display. She began talking as soon as she saw him. “Hello, Joshua. I trust you are well?”
“As well as can be, Doc,” he replied. “Had a few surprises, but I think I’ll be able to deal
The Haunting of Henrietta
Eleanor Coerr, Ronald Himler