morning, and already it promised to be a hot day. He wasn’t used to the end of October being so warm. Sometimes, in Pennsylvania, they’d already had their first snow by now.
As he replaced his hat, he glanced across the field toward the south side of the neighboring farm. The Beilers’. Several men in unusual clothing worked around the odd-looking wooden boxes in the field, but there was no other sign of activity anywhere on the farm. He’d noticed the boxes before but had never seen anyone near them. He’d asked Henry about them once, and he’d told him what the boxes were called, but the term escaped him right now. Joshua hadn’t wanted to appear dumb in front of his host, so he hadn’t pressed for more information.
He figured Annie was at school right now. The schoolhaus wasn’t visible from this vantage point, which was probably just as well. He’d be distracted by gawking at the pretty teacher. None of his teachers had been like Annie, as far as he could remember. Otherwise, he would have been a straight-A student, as well as the teacher’s pet. He would have been more than happy to arrive early to help build the fire and to stay late to clean the chalkboards—anything to be in her presence.
The image came to mind of Annie gathering straw in the corner of the Stoltzfuses’ barn last night. He chuckled at the memory. And then, she’d called him her chauffer…he sure had enjoyed their banter. Annie could give as good as she got. He gathered a few more rocks and carried them to the wagon.
As much as he wanted to ask Annie to go home with him after the next singing, he thought maybe he’d better wait. Keep an eye on her. With Luke back in the picture, there was always the chance he and Annie would pick up where they’d left off. After all, Annie had already been baptized into the church—the first step toward marriage. And, at the breakfast table this morning, the Schwartz family had talked as if Luke’s prolonged absence hadn’t changed anything. They’d even discussed how he could make up the membership classes he’d missed by joining another district and then marry Annie this wedding season, as originally planned. Of course, the bishop would have the final say.
Annie’s feelings hadn’t factored into the conversation. Maybe everyone assumed she would, of course, go along with their plans to resurrect the relationship. After all, she’d already agreed to marry Luke before he’d jumped the fence.
Joshua picked up a soccer-ball-sized rock and threw it harder than necessary into the back of the wagon. It landed with a satisfying thump. With a startled whinny, the horse took a couple of steps. Joshua drew in a deep breath. “Sorry, Hi-C.” He turned and lifted another rock, then paused, again noticing the activity on the other field, where those strange-looking men worked.
Ach, his curiosity was getting the best of him. He was glad Hi-C was rein-trained, so that he could just drop the reins to the ground and the horse would stay. He was also glad he worked alone. He wouldn’t have to feel guilty about abandoning his job and wandering off. He tossed the rock into the wagon and headed across the fields toward the activity at the Beilers’ farm.
Joshua called out a greeting, but no one immediately responded. Maybe they hadn’t heard him. A strange buzzing sound filled the air, like a bunch of miniature airplanes. Ach, beekeepers. That would explain the suits with the pant legs tucked into high boots, the heavy gloves, and the netted masks covering their heads.
He started to turn away, not wanting to interrupt their work or to risk getting stung, but the men looked up before he made his escape. Joshua took off his straw hat and waved away a few bees. “I don’t mean to be nosy.”
“Ach, nein problem, Joshua. We’re beginning to collect the honey,” the younger man said. “A bit late. It’s normally done in September, but….” He