philandering ways. I’d be hard pressed to come up with a believable story as to why he was willing to see me again.
I wanted to explain to her I was quite a few years older then her and my generation was quite entranced by the early Gentry’s ways. He was a delicacy that we were told we should try. He jumped from planet to planet lining up droves of lovers. No one knew he was an asshole for years.
“What is he going to make us do?” Alice asked, not making eye contact with me as the lift took us up the pyramid’s side.
“We’re just going to talk with him. He’s the only person in this place that I figured would know if Thom Crisp is inside.”
Alice shrugged. “I don’t want to do anything weird.”
“We’re not going to do anything weird.”
“I mean it, Kimmie.”
The door to Lord Gentry’s lair opened.
There was a shower of profanities, though they were not directed at us. Lord Gentry’s business was preaching, and this was a raw un-edited sermon he was practicing on two of his servants (or as he called them, secretaries).
“Your guests,” a secretary said in a trampled voice.
“Kimberly Stryder! And quite a beautiful companion. Greetings, please fabricate a chair of your comfort!” Lord Genry said.
Of course the Templar Stair’s had the latest in luxury, two round cushions floated through the air and swept us up by the buttocks. The cushions quickly formed to suit our posture and mood.
“I was hoping this would be a more relaxing encounter, but the chairs do not lie, you are here on business?”
“Afraid so,” I said.
“That’s unfortunate, Kimberly. I’ve missed you. You are often the answer in my prayers.”
Alice rolled her eyes.
I fought the urge to do likewise.
“Well, perhaps after business is settled we can attend to your soul.” Lord Gentry offered us something to drink. We both turned him down. Gentry was infamous for running a tally of what one owed him for his hospitality. The personal cushions would not come cheaply.
“Perhaps,” I said. “I thought I’d visit you and that you might know where we can meet with an old friend.”
“I have many friends, so you came to the right man.”
“Thom Crisp.” Alice blurted out the name before I could properly work my way towards a more subtle reveal.
Gentry pursed his hands and tried to hide his true reaction. He looked to his left and he said, “I will be meeting with him in due time. He has been added to my prayers. His soul is truly tormented.”
“She’s a friend of his,” I said. “Someone who can help him.”
Gentry nodded. “Can you imagine the last four years of your life sucked away? It’s easy for one to think he would be grateful to be back. And it would be ignorant to believe his life would simply turn the page and continue where it had once been. In four years alone we’ve seen an assassination of a President, the incursion of the Red Empress on the frontier and lest we not forget the adoption of RiBiTech.”
“Or fancy cushions,” Alice said.
Gentry cleared his throat. “This is not the world brave Crisp left. I have been assured they are taking the utmost care to see that he is properly reintegrated as they bring him up to speed. You certainly wouldn’t want your friend tossed into the streets with no grasp on the idea that this is reality now.”
“But he should have friends to help him, don’t you think?”
Gentry shrugged like it wasn’t his decision. “Well you are quite the detective, Kimberly, you have come to the right place. As much as I can share with you is as much as I know. The Colonial officers have rented dear Crisp a room here in Templar’s Stairs.”
“What floor?” Alice asked.
From the look on Lord Gentry’s face, it appeared Alice was quite rude for asking. He looked at me as if I could control Alice’s outbursts. I must look like a saint or an elephant tranquilizer. But I assure you all, I am not either.
“She was invited,” I added.
“You put