really want to be a novelist—or a screenwriter, or even a SHORT STORY writer, or whatever—I HAVE to have some time to myself in order to ACTUALLY WRITE SOMETHING. I mean, besides my journal and Battlestar Galactica fan fics.
And then there’s Michael. I barely got to see him last year, we were both so busy with school. On top of which I also had princess stuff to do, not to mention a new baby brother. Something’s got to give this year.
And I’m thinking it’s going to be student government.
Why can’t LILLY run for president? I mean, I know she thinks everybody hates her, but that’s just not true. I’m sure they’ve all forgotten about how she tried to convince the trustees to make the day an extra period longer so we could squeeze in a mandatory Latin class.
How am I going to break it to her that I don’t want to run, though? Especially when she’s already gotten seventy-five Vote for Mia T-shirts printed up, and is looking intoleasing the school roof to cell tower distributors and using the extra income to provide free laptops to the school’s scholarship students?
Man. Being responsible blows.
Tuesday, September 7, Chemistry
Wow. Kenny Showalter is in this class. Is it impossible for me to take a science class in this school and NOT have Kenny Showalter be in it?
Apparently so.
Somehow he got even TALLER over the summer. He’s as tall as Lars now.
Unfortunately for him, however, I think he still weighs less than I do.
He just sat down next to me. I wonder if he’ll want to be lab partners again. This wouldn’t be the worst thing, since if he hadn’t been lab partners with me last year in Earth Science, I’d have flunked. Or at least gotten much worse than a C.
Hey! J.P. just walked in. J.P. is in this class, too!
Thank God. At least there’s ONE normal person I can ask what’s going on. I mean, Kenny is great and all, but, you know. There’s always that TENSION between us, because of his dumping me for thinking I was in love with Boris Pelkowski. God, that was so long ago! You’d think we’d both be over that by now, but it’s still there, this little bit of tension between us when he’s doing my homework for me.
I just waved for J.P. to sit on my other side, which he very nicely did. God, he is so great. I’m SO glad Lilly is going out with him. I have to admit, I didn’t have much faith in her taste in guys for a while there, what with Jangbu and Franco and all. But she’s really redeemed herself with—
Whoa. Kenny just passed me a note.
Mia—I didn’t know you were taking Chemistry this year. Want to be lab partners again? Why break with tradition?
WHY WOULD KENNY WANT TO BE LAB PARTNERS WITH ME???? I mean, except that I have better handwriting than he does, I can see no possible advantage for him in being lab partners with me. It’s true, he doesn’t know how bad my math practice PSAT score was.
But he KNOWS I suck in science. I can only bring our group effort down!
Oh, wait. Now J.P. just passed me a note.
Hey, Mia. I didn’t know you had Chem with Hipskin this semester. He’s supposed to be good. Want to be lab partners? I suppose that’s what Showalter just asked you in that note he flipped over to you. Ditch him, he’ll just hold you back with his constant protestations of l’amour . I’m the one you want.
Which is funny, but—oh, dear. What do I do? I WANT to be lab partners with J.P., because I really like J.P. He is very amusing and, besides which, gets straight As—except for in Honors English last year, since he ALSO had Ms. Martinez (only for a different class period than mine) and she gave him a B same as me because—we decided—she just didn’t like our writing style.
But Kenny asked first. And Kenny and I are ALWAYS partners. He’s right, we can’t break with tradition.
Wait, I can figure this out. I mean, I haven’t had TWO YEARS of