eyes were green, with little flecks of yellow she use to hate. Tonight , i n a differen t stat e o f mind , she wondere d i f differen t wa s al l tha t bad, after all. I f sh e wa s goin g t o fee l sexy, sh e neede d t o kno w an d lov e wha t sh e was . Sh e move d a bit closer to the mirror. Studyin g . Probing.
Huh . He r eye s wer e actuall y a nic e ligh t green , different fro m Brenda' s dee p emeral d co l or. Heather sighed, a smile touching her lips, as her gaze went to her double assets—t h e lac e o f her br a barel y covere d he r nipples . He r breasts wer e full , high , b ut no t to o big . Sh e wa s a goo d handfu l for mos t men . Wasn' t she ? Not many men h a d tried them out for size. Heathe r reache d u p t o tes t th e theor y herself , fillin g her palm s wit h he r breasts. Sh e looke d dow n a t he r hands , please d t o fin d them unabl e t o mak e th e entir e squeeze . Mayb e sh e di d measure up. A slow smile lifted her lips as the first true feelings of sexines s bega n t o inc h thei r wa y int o he r mind.
Sh e sli d he r hand s do w n he r waist , testin g he r form , and biting her lip. Maybe, just maybe, she reall y wa s sexy . Perhap s i t wa s a stat e o f min d sh e’d been lacking. In fact, maybe sexy wasn’t about your body at all, but about your mind. She simply had to feel sexy, to be sexy. And she really was feeling sexy right now. In fact, if a hot man walked in the door right now, she’d have her way with him. She laughed at the silly, ridiculous thoughts that had her mind conjuring all kinds of naughty ways she’d seduce her stranger when the moment came.
Bra d parke d i n fron t o f Heather' s boutique , and killed the engine o f hi s SUV . The store lights were dim, the "Closed" sign in the window. Good. H e wante d he r alone . The y neede d t o hav e a heart-to-heart talk . He was worried about Heather, and her littl e seductio n pla n that ha d playe d havo c o n his thoughts all day . And Brenda wasn’t talking, no matter how hard he pushed her. Which meant, clearly, something was bothering Heather, and Brenda had been sworn to secrecy. A broken heart and a bad man, was Brad’s guess. And bed-hopping wasn’t going to solve the problem. He cared about her too much to let her get hurt any more than she might already be.
S hoving open the truck door, he felt the clear edge o f determination. He was here to protect her. He was…he stopped the thought and reached up and loosened his dark blue tie, his jacket long ago discarded over pages and pages of courtroom briefs. The action did nothing to stop the little truth from surfacing, the guilt he was feeling. This wasn’t all about protecting Heather, and he knew it.
There was a part of him, the wholly male part of him, that was here for reasons he shouldn’t be. He'd always had a thing for Heather. Something he had never, and would never, share with anyone. Because there could never be a place for him in her life. Not on an intimate level, not unless he was a selfish hound dog. His family was Heather’s family. He couldn’t, he wouldn’t, ever do anything to jeopardize her feeling that she had them to come to, to be her foundation, especially not now that her mother had passed away. No. He and Heather could never be. Their past had carved that in stone. But that didn’t mean that hearing her talk about seducing another man didn’t twist him i n knots . His role, though, was protector, brother, friend. Not the lover he’d often fantasized about being. And protect her now, he would.
Brad knocked on th e fron t doo r o f th e store , then knocked again. His brows dipped. He’d seen her car in the parking lot. He knew Heather was here. Worried for her safety, he reac hed fo r th e doorknob , an d t o his surprise, it turned. That only worried him more. If he could get into the store, then someone else could as well. He snatched his cell phone from his pocket and punched in