spread like wild-fire throughout the town and God only knows
how far it’s gone now. No one knew what caused it, at least no one in Winding.
They were fine one minute and the next they changed ,” he shuddered. “It
started with a fever that progressed with amazing speed. I heard it on the news
only minutes before it overtook the hospital. The first case here was a young
boy who was rushed here in a very bad condition and no one knew what was wrong
with him. He attacked our staff and killed a doctor. Soon after that our
hospital was full of them, they were delirious….raving mad actually. They all
had one thing in common; the marks.”
Sarah thought of the purple, partially healed lumps on her body and Albert nodded,
as if reading her mind.
“Yes, the same as yours, dear. Horrid purple lumps on the skin, oozing with
foulness. It wasn't long after that, most of the victims got violent. Frothing
from the mouth and attacking everyone around them. They were too surprised to
do anything...we all were,” he said, scrunching his face as though he was in
some kind of emotional turmoil. “Then it happened in waves, anyone in contact
with the sick became sick themselves — some in minutes, some in hours. They got
up and started attacking people and were completely unresponsive, like they
didn’t recognise us at all. It spread like wildfire. After a few hours, they
filled the streets like rabid dogs, attacking everyone in sight.”
Sarah started to panic; her brain couldn't take in the information. Bile rose
up in her throat and she tried to swallow it back down. “The whole country ?
What about the police or the Army?”
“That, I don’t know, dear. There’s no telling how
far it’s gone. But it has been around six months and there’s been no
rescue…” he let the sentence trail off.
“I don’t understand,” she said, her panic showing in her voice. “I last
remember being at the bus stop and everything was fine. I got off the bus
and….that’s all I can recall. But things were fine . Then I wake up in
the street and it’s total chaos. Now I’m here!” Her breathing quickened and she
started to feel light-headed.
Albert looked at her sympathetically, pursing his lips and he took her hand in
his. She didn’t fight it.
“You passed out again in the street. Mark carried you to me. He was determined
to save you!” he smiled and patted her hand gently. Her hands were cool to the
touch. “I know how all of this may sound to you, dear, believe me I do. I wish
it wasn't true and I wish you didn't have to wake up into this nightmare. Truth
be told, I didn't think you would. It must be a lot to take in and I don't want
to put too much pressure on you, not after what you've been through.”
Sarah relaxed a little, finding his warm hand comforting on hers. “Where is everyone? Oh God,” she said, her eyes so wide that the whites stood out
brightly in the dim light, “where are my family?”
Albert sighed and looked up into her eyes, a
solemn expression on his face. Frown lines appeared on his forehead,
accentuated by the shadows. “I don’t know where your family are, dear, and I
don’t want to lie to you,” he said. “All I do know is that things are bad out
there. In a few days, most of the population of Winding were running around
like maniacs in the streets. TV stations stopped broadcasting the same day and
electricity went out the day after. Phones went out on the third day, but
before that, no one was picking up. There wasn't even time for an emergency
broadcast. The lucky ones of us ran for cover and hiding here is what we have
been doing since.”
“So, what happened to me after I met Mark? I don't remember anything at all.”
“That is another story altogether,” Albert said, pulling himself to his feet, “which
I will tell you later. I know you must have many questions, but you must rest.
You are a very lucky woman to be alive, more than you know. I don't want
to exert you