In truth, my decision to finally go public with these papers was based more on anger than my own intended exit strategy. I am sickened by an illegal and unconstitutional black ops program that exists solely to empower and enrich members of the military industrial complex and the fossil fuel industry. These pseudo-emperors have committed high treason against our entire species. They have lied to Congress and continue to operate outside the bounds of the Constitution of the United States, thereby voiding the previously mentioned nondisclosure agreements. Worse, they have murdered one president, disrupted the administration of another, and have refused to be held accountable by any office, though they are funded with an annual budget that exceeds $100 billion. In order to preserve their secrets, they have killed people of fame and fortune and innocent bystanders alike, and have orchestrated false flag events that have led to wars. Of most importance to mankind’s future, they covet and have bottlenecked advanced technologies in the field of energy and propulsion that would not only provide free endless power for all but avert a looming global catastrophe.
To ensure the survival of their “Ivory Towers of Power” they are prepared to unleash a final false flag event that will lead to planetary fear and eventually the weaponization of space. Before that happens, or perhaps as a result, every living being on this planet shall die.
Am I being overly dramatic? Keep reading and you too will know what real fear is.
Within these pages I am going to reveal everything to you, the good, the bad, and the mind-boggling truth—from the very secrets of existence that predate the Big Bang to the big bang that shall eradicate our species. In the process, you will come to understand that the universe is not what it seems, nor is human existence, and that this ticking clock of physicality that begins at conception and terminates with our final breath is neither the end nor the beginning, but an elaborate ruse constructed by our Creator … as a test.
And we are failing miserably.
Judgment Day is coming, and we have reaped this destruction upon ourselves. Greed, corruption, hatred, selfishness … most of all sheer ignorance—all brought about by the one human weakness that continues to define and poison our species even as it lures us toward the precipice of our very demise: our ego.
The pages you are about to read will unveil forty years of lies and deception, but do not covet the truth: enlightenment comes with a price. Seed the information to the four winds, be the cause of your own hard-won salvation. For what hangs in the balance is nothing less than a fate prophesied by every ancient civilization and every major religion … the End of Days.
Phobos : fear.
Fear is the elephant in the living room. To overcome the mind paralysis of fear, you must master it, you must, in a sense, consume it. But how can one consume something as large as an elephant?
The answer, of course, is one digestible bite at a time.
To digest the Doomsday Event requires that I not only deliver the facts but that I do so in their proper context lest you dismiss this document as merely a work of fiction—a source of entertainment. It is neither! Question the author; take nothing within these pages for granted. Research every fact. Cross-reference any statement and every conclusion that draws your ire. Only then will your mind begin to accept the truth; only then will you realize that there are evil entities lurking in the shadows playing with matches, and unless you open your eyes and act they will incinerate the world.
Like it or not, accept it or not, a Doomsday Event is coming. How can I be so sure? Because, dear reader, the event has already happened! Even more bizarre—some of you reading these very words were there to witness the end.
Confused? So was I, until I stopped thinking like a third-dimensional creature trapped by my own