what I mean.
The gym isn't bad. The high end equipment is more than serviceable. Three floors to the gym itself and two Olympic-sized pools, but the majority of the people here are hardcore stay-at-home moms and men who like the idea of weightlifting and big muscles.
Tarek rests a hand under the bar. “One of these days you're going to rearrange your face.”
“ Still will be prettier than you.” Sweat leaks into my eyes.
I'm on the second to last set, and my hold isn't as firm as it needs to be. Should have brought my gloves. Shouldn't have let her trick me. Should have asked her who ratted me out. Should have pinched her clit instead of caressed it.
Shoulda, coulda, whatever. Fuck her.
“ Have you heard from Duke?” I ask.
“ Yeah. Why?”
Clearly I'm not going to exorcise the damn woman from my thoughts. This is hour twelve where she's had center stage in my psyche. I don't live in denial. She isn't going anywhere until I can exact some kind of revenge, or at least know more about the evil, sexy...jackass.
But I only tell Tarek, “I need to hire one of his paralegals.”
“ For what?” Suspicion fills Tarek's tone.
The last time I did...well, we don't talk about it. “Long story.”
And I don't have half of it. Hell, a fourth of it. Who sent Stealth to fuck with me? How did they know I'd like her taste?
My memory isn't what it used to be, but it is better than most people’s. I run through the faces of her club friends and try to tease out any memory of seeing them before. And nothing. Stealth doesn't have the kind of face I'd forget, and I never forgot a woman's signature taste. Her name is negligible. Really, dead weight.
With a growl that peels my mouth over my teeth, I finish the last rep. Tarek grabs the bar to notch the metal into place. I sit up, using the edge of my shirt to wipe the sweat out of my eyes since I forgot to bring a towel. For a moment there's just that stupid gym music filling the silence.
“ What the fuck crawled up your ass?” Tarek asks. He steps back from the bench press, his gaze hard on my face.
“ Nothing.”
I don't check to see if he's bought the lie. He's told me more than once to stop fucking with women's heads because one day karma will drop kick me in the nuts. I don't see what I do that way. I'm simply giving my lovers what they want, their deepest desires. Don't women want to lose control with a man who has alpha tendencies? Don't they want the best sex of their life? That's all I provide—the best sex a woman could want.
No shame or excuses. No need to pretend like she wants a relationship to get good sex. The women who do want a relationship, I avoid. Women who start to gaze at me as though I can be that honey-I'm-home guy, I drop—kindly.
If my motto changes, or I meet a woman who makes me reconsider my moral code...Who the fuck am I kidding? Normal women, women who like relationships don't date perverts.
Beside all that, there are other important things to talk about—like tracking Stealth down. “If you manage to get a hold of him again, tell him I need him to call me ASAP.”
“ No. I won't. What is it?”
I build up my best “fuck you” glare and launch it at him. Tarek folds his arms over his chest and waits. We've been friends for close to a decade. The normal shit that works to get people to back up bounces off him.
I sigh. “I've pissed someone off and they are out to get me.” I sound like a goddamn drama queen.
“ They are out to get you?” His voice pitches low. “You are aware how paranoid that sounds, right?”
Yeah. I do. I pinch the bridge of my nose and try to breathe and think like a normal human being. “Like I said, long story. Someone put my dick on a pike, and I just want to know why.”
I shake my head at the second dramatic announcement. I doubt I'll ever see Stealth again. Women are better at revenge. They don't do victory dances or come back to top themselves. They come in, do the mental damage that