thought as I watched the Beth personality run back to shore and start digging in the sand.
I sat down on the sand and watched her until she looked up at me, “You want to help, Dr. Judith? I’m building a sandcastle.”
She had gotten sand all over her just like a small child, even in her hair. I couldn’t help but laugh as I took some of the sand off the pile she had made by digging the hole. We worked in silence, while I went over in my mind how to approach her.
“So, what brings you out, Beth?” I asked while watching her out of the corner of my eye.
“I have to help Sarah. I have to make sure Elizabeth doesn’t come back.”
“And why do you think Elizabeth might come back?”
“Because Sarah doesn’t understand what’s happening and she’s scared. That’s when Elizabeth tries to come out, when Sarah’s scared.”
Elizabeth was the oversexed, evil personality who teamed up with Twoon and helped him escape on a stolen boat to an unknown island.
Sarah ran down to the water’s edge and filled her hands with water and tried to bring it back. I watched her, noticing that she ran just like a small child. When she got back, almost all of the water had leaked out of her hands. She poured what little she had over the castle I had started building.
I watched her pat the sand and I asked her, “Do you know what’s going on, Beth?”
She nodded, “Uh huh.”
Just like a kid, I thought. I was going to have to pull the words out of her. “Tell me what’s happening with Sarah.”
She didn’t answer . I looked at her and noticed she had quit working on the sandcastle and was staring out to sea.
Then she looked around her and said, “Judith, what in the hell are we doing out here?”
“Sarah?” I said.
“Yeah, it’s happening again isn’t it? I just lost time. Who came out?”
“It was Beth. She said she had to come out to protect you, and to make sure Elizabeth didn’t come out. She said that when you get scared Elizabeth comes out. She said she knew what was happening with you, but before she could tell me, you came back.”
Sarah looked so scared. She said, “Judith, will I have to be hospitalized again? Please don’t tell Robert about this, not yet anyway. He will start watching every move I make, and I can’t stand that.”
“Sarah, I’ve seen this over and over in working with patients . In times of great stress, they will have a tendency to go back to their old way of handling things, in your case the multiple personalities.
“This doesn’t mean you’re getting sick again. It’s probably just a little relapse. I doubt very seriously that you’ll end up back at Ocean Sands. I think what we need to do is to get you more comfortable with this special gift you’ve developed. When was the last time you talked to Dr. Anna?”
She shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know. It’s been awhile. It’s so hard to do therapy over the phone. Can you stay here until I can get comfortable with what’s going on with me?”
“I’ll stay as long as you need me. I think the FBI will be okay with that. Will that help take some of the stress off you?”
She bre athed out a long sigh of relief. “Yes it will. Thank you, Judith. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
Sarah was quiet throughout supper. She had fixed a dinner of scallops in a garlic/butter sauce, baby peas and salad, but ate very little of it herself. I had spent the rest of the day with Robert, going over what little evidence he had. He told me that Simon, the agent from Atlanta, I had met when I was here before, was coming in to replace John.
After I got into bed that night I racked my brain trying to figure out how to help Sarah. I felt like I was out of my element. I had experience with multiple personality disorder, and had worked with several during my internship, but I didn’t know anything about this paranormal phenomenon that was going on with her.
Just as I was dozing off, I sat
Robert & Lustbader Ludlum