bus in this rain? He just couldn’t let her do that. At least that is what he kept telling himself. At the moment Jason decided to take them home, his cell phone tinged to let him know he had a text message. The message read “American Airlines Flight 1202 delayed due to weather”. Jason felt like he’d just hit the jack-pot. It seemed like someone upstairs was looking out for him. This was working out perfectly and maybe he could steal just a little bit more time with her. Ten minutes later Vicky emerged from the daycare center carrying her daughter. They were standing underneath the ledge so they were dry for now. Jason grabbed his umbrella from the back seat and got out of the car. As Jason ran over to them he had to yell above the wind and rain to get their attention. “My flight was delayed so can I give you and your daughter a ride home” ? Vicky looked surprised to see him. She thought he had already left to catch his flight. It would be so nice to let him take them home. The car was warm and dry. Not to mention they would be home a whole hour and a half earlier than usual. “Jason, thank you for offering but the bus stop is just over there and it will be here in about 30 minutes” after all Vicky might have been careless letting him drive her to the daycare center but she wouldn’t do it with Angel. Jason saw the look of uncertainty on her face and thought of an idea to reassure her “Look, I would feel awful knowing I let you and Angel out in this. I have an idea. Do you know Franklin Roth?” Vicky nodded “of course, he’s the CFO of the company”. Jason didn’t understand how she was aware of Franklin’s identity but unaware of his? But, he was still grateful she didn’t. Before Vicky could ask Jason why he wanted to know Jason pulled out his cell phone and starting dialing Franklin’s number “he’ll vouch for me that I’m a decent and upstanding guy. Hey Franklin it’s….JK. I’m here with Vicky Martin. She works at CkR International and is in need of a ride home. She’s a little nervous about allowing me to give her and her daughter a ride. Can you vouch for me?” Jason nervously coughed and went on “Just vouch that she and her daughter would be safe with me, you know JK. Sorry, I mean give her my real name, Jay Kincaid” Of course, Franklin thought this was strange “Jason what are you up to and nobody’s called you JK since college. What’s going on? Are you losing your mind?” “I’m putting her on the phone now” Jason handed the phone over to Vicky and she took the phone with a little hesitation “Hello Mr. Roth”. Franklin didn’t know what Jason was up to but decided to play along until Jason could get a chance to explain it to him “Hello Ms. Martin. I’m vouching for uh Jay Kincaid’s character. It is unimpeachable. Both you and your daughter will be very safe in his care”. “Thank you Mr. Roth that is very nice to know” then Vicky handed the phone back to Jason. “Thanks Franklin I’ll call you later to talk about those sales numbers”. With a sigh Franklin grunted “you better”. Jason waited for Vicky to give him the ok. She gave him the nod he’d hoped for and walked them to the car. He helped secure Angel into the back seat. He was so thankful it had a car seat. “Thank you so much for going out of your way to take us home. It’s great being able to shave an hour and a half off of our commute time” The smile that Vicky gave Jason made him feel as though he’d just solved world hunger or something like it. “My flight was delayed so I would have been sitting around in an uncomfortable airport waiting. You guys are actually doing me the favor really.” “Well, thank you all the same”. Jason was the first person in a long time that seemed to show genuine concern for her and Angel. Vicky’s hesitation about giving Jason her address wasn’t just