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Political activity
in style." 21
And there's the rub. For Obama Zombies, it's all about style over substance. It's all about feelings, not facts. Young people become liberals through osmosis today, whether it's on campus, through the media, or even with allegedly chic MTV programming. In this book we will analyze and demolish the liberal conveyor belt that spits out Obama Zombies, a machine that has robbed brains by the bushel. And what you see will make your jaw drop.
But make no mistake. We are on a collision course between government control and individual freedom, between the empowermentof people and the empowerment of massive and sprawling bureaucracies. This administration will shackle our generation to the whims of Washington if we don't get our act together and shake off the Obama hangover. "Youth is easily deceived, because it is quick to hope," said Aristotle.
And don't think your liberty is not at risk. But don't take my word for it. Hans Riemer--remember, he's B.H.O.'s youth director--explained this redemption: "government is a powerful way to make this country a better place." 22 So, when B.H.O. says, "Change in America has always started with the young. They are not tied up with the world as it is, but rather, the world as it might be," pay careful attention through the means by which this "change" comes. Obama's "remaking" of America, as he dubbed it, comes through the power of Washington, the power of a few marshalling their desires on 300 million people.
And when more than 75 percent of college grads can't identify what purpose the First Amendment serves, and only slightly more than 50 percent can describe what a free market is, America is in real trouble. 23 Perhaps that's because college students are subjected to so much liberal pablum. In fact, so lopsided was the support among college professors and administrators for Obama that they donated $19 million to his campaign, more than
twelve times
the amount academia donated to McCain! 24 Think about that for a moment. Professors supported Obama by more than a 12-to-1 ratio. That's how out of step with the rest of the country the radical professoriate has become. Aren't liberals always talking about diversity? Where is it? Especially when you consider that 46 percent of the people--46 percent!--voted for John McCain, and B.H.O. barely eked out a majority. Some diversity!
Nevertheless, the confluence of the Liberal Machine's Hollywood tactics, the mainstream media's collective wet kiss for Team Obama, and the radical professoriate's unending love affair with Barack all combined to create a massive throng of Obama Zombies. On Election Day, 68 percent of voters ages 18-29 cast their ballots for B.H.O., whereas only 32 percent backed McCain. There has never been a gap that wide in any previous presidential election. 25
In Florida, 61 percent of the youth vote went for Obama, while the race was about even in every other age demographic.
In North Carolina, Obama won an eye-popping 74 percent of young people, while McCain accrued all voters over thirty. 26
In Indiana, 63 percent of young voters chose B.H.O., even though McCain prevailed with everyone else. 27 But it wasn't enough. Heck, if only youth votes counted, McCain would have lost nearly every state.
Each election cycle there's much ado about the youth vote. Everyone tries to get it. There are an estimated 35 million voters ages 18-29. And of that, around 23 million voted. Conservatives cannot overlook the youth vote any longer. The 35 million "Millennials" must not be ignored. And in this regard, McCain was an awful candidate with an awful outreach to young people.
Besides, Gramps looked like death.
And you know what? We bought the Obama bulldoodle. Pure, unadulterated bulldoodle. During the campaign, Barack tried to shield us from his radicalism. Talking about it was "scare tactics" and typical Washington politics. But after just a year with B.H.O. in office, we know the truth: Quashing our freedoms is a daily sport