"May I ask you a few questions, Akla?'
"What do you think will happen to you when we arrive at Anla?"
"I will be conducted to a safe place and my followers will be slaughtered."
"Slaughtered? What about your wife?
"Her body will die."
"I know the Anlans don't particularly like your brand of religion but slaughtering everyone...?"
"Part of your mission is to discover the truth of Anla's social hierarchy and its weaknesses—"
"How could you know that?"
"How I know can be discussed at another time. The fact that I know is something you must now deal with."
Rednaxela internally told Morna to pay very close attention. He was shocked that Akla knew because there was no way any of the people involved in the voyage, except Brolan and Ralm, could have told him about the extended mission. It was terribly risky and therefore had to be as secret as possible. Its existence was the only reason he could fathom for the unprecedented freedom of action he'd been given. He sat next to Akla and said:
"Another time we will discuss how you know about my mission. Now you will tell me why the Anlans will slaughter your followers."
It had been twenty-seven years before the launch of ShipOne. Sesuna, the Prophet of the Nari on Anla, was being led to his death. Thousands of people crowded the village square where Sesuna was to slowly lose his life—become a Gift to their God. The Knife Bearers were sharpening and the Blood Tenders were readying their bowls for reception of the Evil Doer's essence.
Sesuna was positioned on a wooden platform and tied to the stake protruding from its center. As the Knife Bearers began their task, slicing openings in Sesuna's veins, he calmly raised his voice and said, "When my body is gone and you have forgotten me, my Spirit will return to you in the form of a greater Prophet than I. He will be of the Harians from the planet named Anga-Param. He will regenerate my people and usher in the long-awaited Worlds' Peace."
Sesuna's body slumped against the stake. He lifted his head to the hushed crowd and said, "Remember my words. None can stop what has begun. God is my witness! All will condemn me. All will condemn He Who Comes After Me. All will condemn except those of pure sight and spotless conscience."
His body slumped further and the Blood Tenders adjusted their positions to catch as much of his blood as they could.
The crowd was stunned by Sesuna's words but eagerly anticipated the taste of his blood.
Akla turned to face Rednaxela and said: "I am the One Sesuna said would come."
"So, you're claiming to be a Prophet from God, the one he said would have his spirit, regenerate his people..."
"You don't believe in God do you, Rednaxela?"
"I believe what I believe. Why should it matter to you?"
"Because you are the person who will lead me to safety when we arrive at Anla."
Rednaxela entered the soft comfort of the bridge and Morna said, "That was extremely interesting."
"Completely weird."
"Well, he seems to make sense, at least the way he says things sounds so totally reasonable, but the things he says are beyond belief."
"He is a dedicated man."
"Dedicated? No, obsessed."
ShipOne continued its light-powered flight toward Anla surrounded by the aurora of electromagnetic interaction with Anga's plasma tail.
The passengers continued to speculate on their future.
Most could only feel doom. These were the "mentally unstable" among Anga's criminals. The rest, the "religiously unbalanced", had mixed feelings.
Mentally unstable to the Angan leadership meant an unwillingness to adhere to norms—a pernicious streak of wild inventiveness that refused to conform to