all crap. I just can’t wait to dump this damned horse off and get the hell back home where I can lie on my bed and watch another episode of Sons of Anarchy. Jax is calling to me you know? Is there any chance you can just get Maverick off on your own and plead my case as injured? That way I don’t even have to get out of the car.” I beg unashamedly.
Jen sighs and nods. “I can try. Only because I love you and I am aware that you are in real pain. I am also aware that you are in need of some SOA Jax loving to get those good healing endorphins running. It’ll probably be quicker anyway. No doubt if you start talking to this guy about Arabians we’ll be here for hours anyway. Just keep in mind that he was insistent you were going to have to ride Maverick for him today. I hope he can just talk to you through the car window to see your poor broken self, and then be lenient and let us be on our way.”
We drive the rest of the way along the driveway in silence until we have passed the house and roll to a stop in front of the day yards. We both take the time to look around for a few seconds before Jen breaks the silence by announcing the obvious.
“I don’t see him anywhere.”
“Ah huh.”
“He said he’d be near the yards.”
“Ah huh.”
“Admittedly, we should have been here three hours ago, so perhaps he got sick of waiting and went somewhere.” Jen says with a worried tone in her voice.
I think about what she is saying for a few brief seconds and feel a huge grin forming on my face.
“Perfect! If he’s not here, you can just dump Maverick in the nearest empty yard and we’ll ring Jack later to let him know what we’ve done. This way I don’t even have to try to talk my way out of riding him and we won’t have to stay long. The bonus will be that I get back to my bed, Sons of Anarchy, and my gorgeous Jax even quicker than I first planned.”
“Ooh, I like your evil thinking woman. Let’s get this over with!” She chirps with glee as she grabs her door handle and launches from the car enthusiastically.
I watch in the rearview mirror as , like a woman now possessed, she tears around to the back of the float to drop the tailgate. I hear the tailgate thud to the ground and then I hear her yell at Maverick as he throws another minor wobbly. She then disappears into the float to untie him.
A few seconds later, with much banging and crashing, he comes roaring off the float backwards dragging Jen with him. It is only when he finds himself about five meters behind the float that he finally decides he is safely off the float. Having decided this, he skids to a stop and starts staring anxiously at his surrounds.
At this point Jen starts looking rather pleased with herself. Clearly it is pleasing to have survived the ordeal of getting him off the float. I feel myself letting a long slow breath out between my lips. A breath which I have only just realized I have been holding.
“ Phew!” I mumble to myself, “That’s the worst part over. I hope when we have to pick him up again he’ll be a whole new horse. One who calmly loads and unloads on the float so I can save myself these oxygen deprivation moments.”
I then see Jen scan her surroundings quickly. She instantly hones her eyes in on an empty yard close by. Giving Maverick a hefty tug on his lead rope to signal that he should follow, she strides off towards the yards.
It is at this precise moment that I catch a flash of something in front of the car. I flick my eyes back up from the mirror and get a brief glimpse of a black Nickelback t-shirt. A Nickelback t-shirt that stretches across a lean, broad, set of shoulders. These shoulders belong to a tall, roughly six foot, three inches man with muscle bound, tanned arms. At a guess I would say he is about thirty-five and he is heading straight towards Jen mumbling, “Fucking. Typical.”
Obviously we have been busted on our