mean, as well as in advertising and in road signs, you will see what I mean, words left alone more and more feel that they are moving and all of it is detached and is detaching anything from anything and in this detaching and in this moving it is being in its way creating its existing. This is then the real difference between English and American writing and this then can then lead to anything.
I can say it enough but can I say it more than enough that the daily life is a daily life if at any moment of the daily life that daily life is all there is of life.
Can I say it more than often enough.
Can I say more than often enough that the daily life if it is not a daily life consists in at no moment of that daily living of there being any conscious feeling or unconscious feeling that at every moment of that daily living daily living is all there is of any living.
In America they may have daily occupations they do not have to they may but they do not have to they often do not they often do but whether they do or whether they do not do so do not have the daily occupation in any casethat daily occupation does not force upon them any necessity of having every and any moment of their daily life that they are living their daily living.
Think of the American life as it is lived, they all move so much even when they stay still and they do very often stay still they all move so much. They move so much because in moving they know for certain they can know it any way but in moving they really know it really know it as certain that they are not daily living in their daily living. The English just in the other way even when they are travelling are not moving, they do not move no one can move who is really living in any moment of their living their daily living.
And this is the thing that is a necessary thing to have in exchange of anything of words or what anyone is doing.
In the early English writing words did move around they moved by themselves we get that with the period that ended with the end of the Elizabethans, words moved then, they made their own existing they were there and they enjoyed that thing they enjoyed being there the words did and anyone having anything to do with them anything to do with the words being there knew that of them knew that the words were enjoying that thing were enjoying being there.
That made the period that we call Elizabethan, that was really the end of words living by being existing. Then slowly as I say words began to have another meaning, they were used to accept everything as being there in the daily living they accepted their being there to tell something or to make everything have emotion have sentimental feeling or to be soothing. That is what makes daily life when it is lived at any moment of the day or night, that anything should be there and it should be there and should be there to be soothing and it should be there to give existence the emotion of sentimentalfeeling, the emotion of anything and of everything being there as anything and everything is.
Now it has often been said that the Americans in their feeling about the English language they are using have some connection with the Elizabethan way of using the English they are using.
This is not really true. The early English through the Elizabethans used words in every way they like the lively way the words had the words that would later be there to stay but now had come there and coming there had all the excitement of arriving in any way they could arrive and they were arriving in every kind of a way.
That made them use the language the English language in their way and it is and was a wonderful way but it is not at all the way we are using the language that has really come to stay. Because there is no doubt about it that English language that we all use has come to stay, we are changing grammar and punctuation and shoving it around and putting pressure upon it but there it is and it has