take home to mother. Shaky and a little unresponsive, I let Neil lean on me and not the other way around. He was very affected by what he had seen and no doubt Emily was going to have something else to worry about other than his OCD. “I would never condone a vigilante act, but I wouldn’t blame you for taking matters into your own hands. I’m not condoning that type of thing, but I understand how this can make you feel like doing something. I implore you to let the professionals handle this and not go do something that is going to get you or your boyfriend hurt. I’ve seen that look in the eyes of other victims and I know the signs.” I didn’t like causing trouble and staying under the radar was something that I had got used to doing. I wasn’t perfect by any means, but I was doing my best to make a clean slate. “I have this anger inside that I’m not sure what to do with it. I should be in shock, but mostly I just want to lash out at someone. I promise that I will let you handle this.” It wasn’t a lie and while they were handling it, I was going to do my own thing. “This is not my first time dealing with this kind of loss, but it never gets easier. Death is something that you expect, but not in this way. Disease and old age is commonplace, but this is senseless and has no rhyme or reason.” I was just spouting off what I thought that he wanted me to hear and it appeared that I was saying all the right things. “Miss Rhodes, we see this all the time and what you need most of all is time to accept it. I’m going to give you a number that you should call. Both of you need to talk to somebody and this group gets together once a week to air dirty laundry. I’ve been told that it helps to get these things out in the open and shine a light of those things that nobody wants to talk about. This place lets you vent and have some way of getting things off your chest. To be honest, I went there after a shooting never thinking for a second that it was going to work for me. I was quite amazed that talking about it with strangers helped me to lessen the degree of pain that I was in.” I was glad that it would work for him and I was sure that Neil would get something from it. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to take Neil home. You have our statement. I don’t believe that it needs to be said, but you’ll find some of our prints in the house. We frequent this place once or twice a month for game night. I’m going to miss Wilson and I do hope that Rebecca shows up. I’ll be sure to let you know if I hear from her.” Once again, I wasn’t lying and it wasn’t like I had heard from her. I had seen her in a very emotional photograph, but I had every reason to believe that I was going to see her face to face very soon. The detective was older, but well put together for a man of his obvious years. He looked to be 40, but I could see in his eyes that he was older than that. It was a testament to whatever regiment that he was putting himself through every morning. I had to give him credit for being able to get up in the morning when nobody was there to greet him when he came home. I was able to read him like a cheap trashy novel. His marriage had turned to shambles because of his long nights and possibly an injury that made his wife think that it would be better to walk away than to wait for that phone call or visit in the middle of the night to say that he was dead. “I have everything that I need. We have your phone number and we’ll be sure to follow up if we have any more questions. I know that you might think that you could have done something, but these things happen for no good reason. Don’t beat yourself up. These kinds of thoughts can be the death of you and I think that you’ll find that the worst is yet to come. This is something that I know from personal experience. When you think that you are OK, the weight of what you have seen will come crashing down on you at the most inopportune time.”