across the country. I had her park close to one of the entry points and we got out of the car. "OK. We're here. What do you need?" "Stuff." "Damn you. You're not going to tell me, are you?" "Nope." "Dweeb." Again with the tongue. Her curiosity had her, she couldn't help but follow me. We passed a few stores devoted to children and newborns. I let her stop and pick up the stuff and go "Ooh" and "Ahh." She had a big smile plastered on her face. I finally saw it. I didn't know what it would be called but I knew it was there. This one was so simple, I could have guessed the name. Wendy was paying attention to the windows we were passing, not the stores down the way. We got close and I asked her when she was going to take off from work. She was busy talking to me and didn't see the store come up on us. I interrupted her mid-sentence. "Good. Well, here we are." I guided her through the door. Wendy looked all around her trying to figure out where we were. She saw the Sign on the wall that said "MOTHERHOOD MATERNITY" and her face lit up. And then she started noticing the clothes on the racks. Again with the "Ooh" and "Ahh." I pulled a couple of $100 bills out of my pocket. "Get whatever you want. But remember how fast you're growing. Don't buy a bunch of stuff that won't fit in two weeks." I'm not saying it was the money, but a saleswoman came up and introduced herself. Anita looked to be in her early 30s and she was gorgeous. Wendy looked at me, nodded toward Anita and smiled. "Don't even think about it. We haven't even had a chance to figure out what to do with June yet." Anita said "June?" "Don't worry about it. She's always trying to set me up with other women." She responded with a subdued "Oh." I could tell she was checking me out, trying not to look too obvious. "Wendy's going to make the final choices, but I'd like to find something that can grow with her. She was just starting to show two weeks ago and you can see how big she is now." I pointed at the hat. "She also likes to advertise that she's pregnant." Anita smiled. "I'm sure we can find exactly what you need. I've been through it three times." She looked at Wendy. "Is this your first?" "No, I had a son thirty years ago. I'm sure maternity clothes have changed since then." "Well, the basics are the same, but yes, there have been some changes." Wendy would have taken half the stuff in the store, whether it fit her or not. If it said something she liked or thought was cute, she wanted it. Anita was good. She didn't let Wendy take anything that she didn't need or wasn't going to last. Not that she didn't let Wendy buy anything. By the time she added tax to the total it was just under $220. Wendy started pawing through to see what she could get by without. I gave Anita a twenty. I admired her for figuring out how much extra she could get away with. I smiled at her as I gave her the 20 and she smiled right back. It was well worth it for the smile and hug I got from Wendy. Wendy asked Anita if she could wear something home and got the go ahead. She went into the changing room and came out with a shirt that said EXPECTING TROUBLE. I had Anita ring up a shirt I'd hidden for me while Wendy was busy. We were about two thirds of the mall from the entrance we'd come in. I turned that way as we left the store. Wendy grabbed my arm and looked at me with a sad expression on her face. "Couldn't we just go down to the end and then come back?" "I suppose." "Oh goody." She almost jumped in my arms. We paraded down to the end of the mall and back with Wendy proudly holding onto my arm, a big smile on her face and her stomach just a little bit larger, proudly proclaiming that she was EXPECTING TROUBLE. About halfway back we came up on an Orange Julius stand. "I want one of those." We finally made it out to the car. I put her goodies in the trunk and we headed home. On the way I was resting my hand on her leg. She jumped a bit. "Ooh. Did you feel