Morning Star: Book III of the Red Rising Trilogy
must know it was not by chance that he lost, but inevitability. Reds have always beencunninglittlecreatures.Andhe,myfriends,isthepersonificationofwhattheywishtobe,what they will be if we let them. So I let time and darkness remake him into what he really is. A Homo flammeus, tousethenewclassificationsystemIproposedtotheBoard.Barelydifferentfrom Homo sapiens ontheevolutionarytimeline.Therestwasjustamask.”
    “Youmeanhemadeafoolof you, ”Cassiusparses,“whenyourfatherpreferredacarved-upRedto hisbloodheir?That’swhatthisis, Jackal. Thepetulantshameofaboyunlovedandunwanted.”
    “DarrowtookJulian’slife,”Antoniasays.“Thenslaughteredyourfamily.Cassius,hesentkillers tobutcherthechildrenofyourbloodastheyhidonOlympusMons.Onewouldwonderwhatyour
    Cassius ignores them, jerking his head toward the Pinks at the edge of the room. “Fetch the prisonerablanket.”
    strips off his white cloak and drapes it over my shivering body. For a moment, no one speaks, as struckbytheactasI.
    “Thank you,” I croak. But he looks away from my hollow face. Pity is not forgiveness, nor is gratitudeabsolution.
    Lilath snorts a laugh without looking up from her bowl of soft-boiled hummingbird eggs. She slurps at them like candy. “There is a point when honor becomes a flaw of character, Morning Knight.”SittingbesidetheJackal,thebaldwomanpeersupatAjawitheyeslikethoseoftheeelsin Venus’scavernseas.Anotheregggoesdown.“OldmanArcoslearnedthehardway.”
    Ajadoesnotreply,hermannersfaultless.Butadeathlysilencelurksinsidethewoman,asilenceI remember from the moments before she killed Quinn. Lorn taught her the blade. She will not like seeinghisnamemocked.Lilathgreedilyswallowsanotheregg,sacrificingmannersforinsult.
    There’s animosity between these allies. As always with their kind. But this seems a stark new divisionbetweentheoldGoldsandtheJackal’smoremodernbreed.
    Goldwhosimplychosethewrongside.So,Aja,I’mcurious.NowthatmyleaseontheReaperisup, doyoustillplantodissecthim?”
    “Zanzibariscurioustodiscoverhowhewasmade.Hehashistheories,buthe’schampingatthebit forthespecimen.WewerehopingtorounduptheCarverthatdidthedeed,butwethinkheperished inamissilestrikeupinKato,Alcidaliaprovince.”
    Family tried sparing their child the Exposure. Anyway, he specialized in blackmarket aerial and aquatic pleasure mods afterward. Had a carveshop in Yorkton before the Sons recruited him for a special job. Darrow helped him escape my custody. If you want my opinion, he’s still alive. My operativesplacehiminTinos.”
    “I have nothing definitive yet. Tinos is well hidden. And we’ve yet to capture one of their ship captains…alive.”TheJackalsipshiscoffee.“Butironsareinthefire,andyou’llbethefirsttoknow if anything comes of them. Though, I rather think my Boneriders would like the first crack at the Howlers.Wouldn’tyou,Lilath?”

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