Metal Boxes - Rusty Hinges
but the tarmac sparkled in the noon sun.
    Three lines of officers mumbled and shuffled into order. Stone didn’t move. Every off duty navy officer on the base was in the formation, from the base commander to the newly assigned ensign in administration, even lower ranking than Stone, a real newbie. There was a long row of senior officers from every ship in system, including the captured Hyrocanian ship, Rusty Hinges commanded by Butcher and the captain from Temple’s own carrier, the fleet’s flagship.
    The only marine officers in line, MAJ Dashell Numos and 1LT Theo Hammermill were resting comfortably in their huge combat suits. Missing were 2LT Rainne Escamilla who was on duty and 1LT Allison Vedrian was off planet on leave. Squads of marines remained at attention — or rather their huge suits stood at attention, although everyone knew they were probably napping, playing video games, reading books, or just chatting.
    Rows of navy ranks stood in line snapped to attention, including those in combat suits. Few people had seen the emperor in person and only a slightly larger number had seen an official representative. Volunteers to stand formation swelled until almost everyone on the island was on the tarmac.
    Jay and Peebee stood between the marines and the navy. Their shiny armor glittered in the sun. Jay’s blue filigree on her chest plate sparkled as did the red flames on Peebee’s armor. Standing in formation behind each of them were their daughters. Behind Jay, in matching but smaller armor were Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. Their blue colors ranged from almost a dark purple on Charlotte to a pale watercolor blue for Anne. Behind Peebee were her three daughters: Ell, Tee, and Bea. Each wore slightly different red flames on their armor, from Ell’s fire engine flash to Bea’s sunset soft red.
    Behind the drascos were rows upon rows of piglets standing in such perfect formation it should have embarrassed the navy ranks. Stone had been surprised at their numbers when they arrived, but Shorty and Sissie chivvied them into position with the barest of nods in Stone’s direction. Every piglet head was covered by a strawhat and their dark, mirrored sunglasses reflected the noon sun.
    Stone hadn’t thought to invite the drascos or the piglets to this welcoming ceremony. He hadn’t wanted to be here. He wanted to be on vacation with Allie. So, why force these creatures to stand in the hot sun waiting for who knew what, why, or even who. Drascos and the piglets were intelligent, but no one ever claimed they were subject to the emperor, though they all followed Stone whether he wanted it or not.
    The final contingent awaiting the emperor’s representative was Doctor Emiliano Wyznewski with a few civilian scientists. Most were dressed in their finest suits, dresses, ties, and scarves as their personal fashion sense dictated. Whizzer was his usual non-conformist self. Ignoring any formation, he simply gathered a few friends together. He was even holding hands with his friend, Doctor Kat Emmons. They were laughing over something another scientist had said, ignoring the somber formal ceremony unfolding around them.
    A loud chime sounded from the shuttle and the door lowered slowly and stately. The emperor’s emissary was the first person through the hatch. She stumbled and barely caught her balance by grabbing the hand of a man just behind her.
    Stone laughed, “Oh no! Not her.”

    In violation of all tradition and orders, Stone broke ranks, rushing across the tarmac. He wrapped his arms around former navy CDR Danielle Elizabeth Wright. Still laughing, he squeezed, happy to see his old friend. His growth to six feet four inches still surprised him as he looked down into her shining face.
    She said, “You’ve grown a few feet, Stone.”
    He stepped back and looked her up and down. “Either I’ve grown or you’ve shrunk.” He reached over and patted her distended belly. “Well, Mrs. Ivan

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