meeting venue. You can save them much time and help them to arrange things by suggesting suitable places to stay in the area. Useful phrases If you wish to make an overnight stay in the area, we can recommend the Comfortable Inn, which offers reasonably priced accommodation and is located less than 500 metres from our office. the Travellers' Guest House, which is within walking distance of/a short bus/taxi ride from the office. the Luxus Hotel, which is a comfortable hotel located in the city centre and easily accessible from the office by taxi. the Wings Hotel, which is situated in the immediate vicinity of the airport and accessible by shuttle bus. Finding out about visitors' special dietary requirements If people from different cultures are attending the meeting, don't forget to bear their dietary requirements in mind when organising meals or refreshments. Some visitors may have food allergies that must be taken into consideration, so prior to the meeting it is a good idea to ask them to inform you of any special requirements when confirming the meeting or circulating the agenda. Examples Example 1: asking about dietary requirements Subject: project meeting of 25 August Dear Mr Smith Please find enclosed a copy of the agenda for the forthcoming project meeting. As we will be organising lunch for the meeting attendees, I would be grateful if you would let me know by 10 August if you have any special dietary requirements we should note. We look forward to seeing you on 25 August. In the meantime please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require any further information. Yours sincerely Simone Roth Example 2: communicating dietary requirements Subject: project meeting of 25 August Dear Ms Roth Thank you for your letter of 24 July enclosing the agenda for the forthcoming project meeting. Your letter requested information on special dietary requirements. I am allergic to wheat products and would therefore be most grateful if you could make arrangements for gluten-free meals. Many thanks in advance. I very much look forward to seeing you at the meeting on 25 August. Yours sincerely Peter Smith Useful phrases I only eat halal meat/kosher food. I am a vegan/vegetarian. I don't consume any alcohol – even in cakes and sauces. Unfortunately, I'm allergic to gluten/wheat/dairy products/nuts/seafood. I have a wheat/dairy/nut/seafood allergy/lactose intolerance. I follow a gluten-free/wheat-free/dairy-free diet. I'm afraid I can't eat seafood. Finding out about visitors' technical requirements Many people bring laptop computers and other devices to meetings and there are a host of other types of equipment they might need you to supply. Don't forget to check in advance what the participants require. If you're responding to the organiser's request for information on technical equipment, make sure you reply before the deadline. Useful phrases I would be grateful if you could let me know by 10 August what technical equipment you will need for the meeting/your presentation. Please let me know by 10 August if you require any technical equipment for the meeting/presentation. I would be most grateful if you could supply/provide an overhead projector and a local adapter for my laptop power cable. I will be bringing my laptop with me to the meeting. I would therefore be most grateful if you arrange for an extension lead to be provided. Booking meeting facilities Once you have gathered information on the participants' individual requirements and have a clear picture of what will be needed for the meeting, it's time to book the meeting room, necessary facilities and refreshments. Examples Example 1: telephoning to book meeting facilities A: Hello, I'd like to book a meeting room for the Sales Department from 10.00 to 12.30 on 10 January, please. B: Sure. How many people will be attending the meeting? A: There'll be 15 of us. B: Okay, I'll just check what's available … Conference Room A is free at