cultivation and medicine in recent years. Sections on medical cannabis, seeds, seedlings, vegetative growth, cloning, flowering, breeding and hash have been amplified substantially. All-new sections have been added on greenhouses and outdoor growing. Photos and precise color drawings augment text to simplify information so that it is easier to assimilate.
Indoor Marijuana Horticulture Second Edition
Digital cameras, fast computers with big hard disks, and fast Internet connections have transformed the Bible into a much more complete work.
We were able to hold the price at $21.95 from 1993 until 2005, 12 years. The expense of adding color to each and every page, hiring editors, travel, office overhead, and inflation have made it necessary to sell a minimum of advertising as well as increase the price to $29.95.
IMH Second Edition Revised
If you would like to learn more about advertising in the Bible, please hit our website: .
Case studies follow the text. They show exactly how different growers grew super smoke for pennies a day. All of their growing statistics - watts, varieties, calendar, cost, harvest weight, etc. - are also listed. See how growers invest a minimum of cash and harvest pound after pound of outstanding bud 365 days a year!
A garden “Calendar” and “Checklist” in the book lend additional organization for all indoor horticulturists.
- Jorge Cervantes
T he Internet was developed by the DOD (Department of Defense) in the latter half of the 20th century. Government geeks and spooks developed the World Wide Web for national security reasons. It is easy to set up a proxy server along with a few other safety precautions to surf with safety so the government cannot track your every move.
Be very careful when surfing the Internet Check out for more information about surfing safely.
Smart growers, especially from countries with draconian laws, do not e-mail about growing or surf grow sites on a computer located in a grow house. Remember, a person never knows who is peeking at transparent e-mail. “Firewall” software alerts and protects the user against another party tracking a surfing path or to unauthorized entry into their computer. Ask at your local software store for security software to keep unwanted computer spooks subdued.
Check out / for more information on surfing anonymously.
Do not frequent marijuana sites or talk shop on the net unless you have taken appropriate security measures.
Internet information can be great or it can be packed with problems. All growers and “authorities” have the same status on the Internet, and can post “facts” to their site or news group. Many times unverified, poorly researched “facts” are either self-serving or untrue. Always ask yourself if the information you are reading makes sense. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I often surf through many sites and pages before finding something worth retaining. “Free” often means the material is sales oriented. News groups provide an excellent forum to share grow stories.
Marijuana Chemistry
Cannabis is the only plant that produces chemicals called cannabinoids. However, with gene splicing and genetic engineering, it is only a matter of time until cannabinoids are added to other plants. Cannabinoids are ingredients unique to cannabis; the psychoactive cannabinoids are responsible for the mind-bending effects of marijuana. Some cannabinoids get you high. Around 40 cannabinoids have been confirmed to exist, but most are not psychoactive. Here is a short rundown on the six most prominent cannabinoids.
∆ 9 THC, the main ingredient that gets you high, is called: ∆ 9 -trans-tetrahydrocannabinol. All cannabis, whether industrial hemp or drug marijuana, contains some ∆ 9 THC. Industrial hemp cannabis contains infinitesimal amounts while dried flower tops (buds) of potent marijuana