explain. “I wasn’t ready for a mate, for settling down. For…anything.” Shawn drained his bottle as tears pricked his eyes. “Now it may be too late.”
Trevor reached over and took the empty beer from his hand. “Why were you afraid?”
Shawn shook his head in denial. He hadn’t been afraid. Just not ready. “I wasn’t…”
“You were,” his brother interrupted. “And if you don’t admit it to Kyle and tell him how you feel, you will never win him back.”
Shawn scowled. Admit to his mate he had been scared? No, he could never do that. He was the more dominant male of the two. Now that he knew they had a human female mate, it would fall on him even more to take care of the two.
Shawn opened his mouth to explain that to his brother but Trevor clasped his hands down on his shoulders. “Whatever you think about being the alpha, forget right now.”
Shawn blinked up in surprise.
“The thing about having a mate or mates is that it all balances. That’s nature’s way of keeping the peace. I tend to go off and act before thinking it through, while Mac always looks ahead to see all possible reactions.”
Shawn nodded. He’d seen that for himself throughout the years the two men had been together.
“That doesn’t make Mac weak—it makes him strong and smart,” Trevor added.
“Yes, but…” Shawn started to cut in. He and Kyle weren’t the same.
Trevor shook his head. “Add Annabelle into the mix and we have the loving nature of a mate who holds us both together. A referee of sorts. It balances.”
Shawn closed his eyes to really listen. What he heard was the love his brother had for his mates in his words.
“I wasn’t complete with just Mac. I loved him but there was something missing. I never felt loved and in control until they were both at my sides.”
Shawn peeked up to look at his brother’s face.
“I want that for you. Come clean with Kyle. Tell him why you ran and let him tell you how that made him feel . Only then will the two of you be able to move forward and start your lives. Then look for your other mate.”
Shawn knew Trevor was right. Partially anyway. He’d already found their other mate. But it didn’t seem right to tell Trevor before Kyle knew, so he kept that secret to himself. But as soon as he had Kyle back, he would do everything in his power to bring Bree in quickly. Kyle deserved her. “Yeah, okay,” he agreed. “I’ll try.”
He found himself embraced and Shawn let his arms go around Trevor’s waist. He took comfort from the other man. He had a feeling Kyle wouldn’t see things so simply, but maybe with the support of his family, they could fix the mess he’d made.
* * * *
Kyle was surprised Shawn wasn’t waiting for him when he entered work on Monday morning. For the past week, every time he turned around the other man was there.
He never would have admitted it to anyone else but he found that endearing. Shawn was making no secret of the fact that he was there for him.
He couldn’t help but look over the near empty lobby as he made his way to the elevator. Had he finally ran Shawn off? Had his need to cause the other man pain like he’d felt backfired and driven Shawn away from him?
With a heavy heart he entered the metal box to go up to his office.
If Shawn gave up after just one week, then he couldn’t have been that serious about claiming me , his head told him. But his heart ached for his mate.
He looked up when the doors opened, hoping to see Shawn already there. His stomach fell when the entry was empty. Kyle put his head down and made his way to his desk. Tears burned as his hope died. He shouldn’t have been surprised. Shawn had never been able to stay in one place for long. Why had he thought he could change Shawn’s nature?
He returned greetings from those already working as he made his way to his office. There, he closed the door and walked to the window. He didn’t have much of a view. His side of the building faced