two of his compatriots? Or that he had discovered the secret of the cure against their mentalist spell? Not that it would remain effective for long. The Princes had a way of always changing their spells and adapting to deal with any resistance.
"Why are you sending your draenyx against the dwarves?" Master Vhelan believed in directly throwing the truth he knew against his opponents, and judging their response.
The girl actually hissed and spittle flew from her mouth. She flicked her fingers and a wave of green smoke enveloped them, but the shield Master Vhelan had set reflected the poisonous air back towards their opponents, sending the Hakkadians scurrying away in fear.
"Did that runt of a wife tell you?" The Hakkadian girl shot out a blast of wind and poison wafted up into the sky. "The draenyx are none of your concern, sorcerer. And the dwarves have no means to resist our army. They're far better miners and crafters than fighters."
"I think the Dwarven King might disagree with you. They've given the elves a hard enough time over the last several thousand years. You don't suppose it was all due to their superior weapons and armor? Or perhaps this is what you desire for your army of abominations?"
This time the girl's eyes flared with an acid green fire and her clawed fingers shot electric-green bolts at Master Vhelan. The spell tested and tore away at the shield, until the green arcs formed strange scintillating beasts that ate away at the shield in a frenzied, frothy rage. He knew the shield would fail after a few seconds, so he counterattacked and blast the Hakkadian girl with a simple stunning spell and followed by casting several curing spells against three of his other elders. It would be futile to try and cure the girl, since she was already on the side of the Prince.
Once the girl came to her senses after the short-lived spell, Master Vhelan found his group had doubled with the arrival of three of his most powerful elders. Now they had a chance, albeit slim, but a chance he could work with to create success. The taunting was working...
"What little you know of the outside world," he shouted, "so much has changed since you were free to molest the surface. You've spent far too many centuries festering away in the bowels of the earth, and in your madness believe that your plan to conquer the world will actually work? Not a chance even after a hundred turns of the Wheel of Whim. The elves are against you, the dwarves are against you, and the humans will be against you once they know of your nefarious plan. Already I have commanded my loyal elders to ride north and warn the dwarves and ride east and inform the elves."
Now the girl's small figure wracked with maniacal spasms as she tore at her hair and screamed at him in a wrathful fury, her face warped and ugly and verging on disfiguring into a demon. Master Vhelan remembered the horrific experience at the Arcanum and the corruption of Master Loral's body, and feared whether the Princes would stoop to such disgusting depths as to implant demons into the small forms of Hakkadian children.
"You dare to so openly declare war upon us?" The girl scoffed at him and strode closer, until he could clearly see the green fire around her figure gleaming in the darkness. "We will torture and humiliate every member of your race. You know nothing of the horrors we can inflict on your small, pathetic bodies. So informed are you of our creations down deep in the laboratories of Naverstrom, but how could you forget we possess the ability to experiment on your seed? We had hoped you would wisely choose to ally with us, but you have proven us wrong. The lines have been drawn in the fabric of time, and we will tarry with you no more."
The girl shielded herself and barked orders to the other Hakkadians to do the same, and as Master Vhelan watched them form up magical barriers, he glanced over at the now agitated dragons and worried about their next move. He took a risk and focused on
Terry Ravenscroft, Ravenscroft