earl, albeit the architect earl who had designed and presumably overseen the construction of the house to this point, have lied to him in her letters?
It seemed most unlikely that a young woman would attempt the completion of a house such as he had specified. The letters had been most detailed as to what was being done at the moment. The drawings were exquisite, beautifully executed, and sent to him in a tube so as not to crease them. He had kept every one of them, and now he decided he would study them, comparing them to the actual house. Something the daughter had said—oh, yes, she had begun to explain about her designs. Surely she would not have attempted to change her father’s excellent plan!
Unthinkable! Yet...
Edmund restlessly paced about the room, then turned to greet his valet when he slipped inside with the valise containing the things that would be needed to restore Lord Barry’s less than pristine condition.
“Melton, I should like you to keep your ears open and try to find out what has been going on around here. I imagine the best tack would be to admire everything, particularly the earl and his eldest daughter. People are more apt to be open if they believe you a friend, not a foe.”
“And what are we, my lord?” the valet said, keeping his face carefully neutral.
“At the moment I do not know. I think Lady Juliana a shocking bit, dressing as she did in a rag of a gown and parading around the building site with the works supervisor. Perhaps the family needs the money?” He gave Melton a meaningful look.
“I doubt that, for the place has the air of prosperity, and there is not a picture missing from any wall I chanced to see.” The valet referred to an oft-used means of raising funds by way of selling assets.
“True. The uncle was dressed quite well, considering they are a country family. Dinner ought to prove most interesting.” He permitted Melton to assist him from his traveling clothes and into proper garb for a dinner in the country with the family of an earl. Where that earl might be was a matter for conjecture, but Edmund began to suspect the man would be found in his grave, not at the dining table.
“Would that your father were alive to handle his patron,” Lady Hamilton exclaimed as she dithered about near her dressing table. She gave Juliana an accusing look, then sniffed i nto an exquisite scrap of black-bordered linen before continuing. “How I permitted you to convince me that you be allowed to complete that house I shall never understand.”
“You wished it to be finished as a tribute to Papa’s memory and great talent. You know that if Sir Phineas took over, he would ruin Papa’s design and turn the place into a Gothic horror,” Juliana reminded her mother.
Lady Hamilton sank down on a velvet bench placed at the foot of her vast and cleverly canopied bed. “I trust you have the right of it. It will be in your hands to convince Lord Barry that it was a proper thing to do, for I suspect he will not be best pleased with this turn of events. Who ever heard of a woman doing architectural work, much less contracting!” The last word was said much as though Juliana had begun dabbling in smuggling, or possibly murder.
“You must admit that I have donned my best for the evening,” Juliana offered by way of appeasement, turning about for her mother’s inspection.
Her mother rearranged her modest necklet of diamonds before graciously giving Juliana her hand and joining her in the exodus to the drawing room. This room was located on the ground floor, contrary to city plans, and vastly convenient for all.
When they entered the room, they found Barbara and Kit t y, along with Uncle George, awaiting them. Kitty gave Juliana an encouraging smile. Lady Hamilton hurried to instruct her second daughter, the beauteous Barbara of the ash blond curls and limpid blue eyes, regarding the guest.
In a quiet voice Lady Hamilton said, “Now, dear, this is a highly eminent gentleman,