Like Arrows (Cedar Tree #6)

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Book: Like Arrows (Cedar Tree #6) Read Free
Author: Freya Barker
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other two farms were sold through Martin. He'd sent me out to drop off an offer on the property, one that wasn't well received by the Walkers. In fact, I'd had a shotgun shoved in my face when they discovered why I was there. My boss is a manipulative bastard and had sent me, knowing they would be less than receptive, but had hoped a woman would soften them up a little. Not so much with the Walkers. The moment I identified myself, Ezhno Walker slipped inside the door and came out, his shotgun already cocked. I didn't hesitate and backed away when he yelled at me to leave. When I got back to the office I took Martin to task, but he waved it all off and said Ezhno Walker was no longer functioning at full capacity. That's why, when he asked me to drop off an envelope, I'd questioned him but he assured me they were expecting it.
    I recognize their mailbox coming up and prepare to make my turn when a dark colored SUV comes barreling out of the driveway and turns left, speeding off toward the Utah border. Huh. I'm still wondering what kind of idiot would come blowing out of a driveway that fast, when I pull up to the old log farmhouse. The front door is open and just outside it, Mrs. Walker is on her knees, leaning over her husband. I get out of the car and at the sound of my door closing her head whips around. I can see blood coming from her nose. What the hell is going on?
    "Mrs. Walker, are you okay?" I hurry over and upon getting closer, I can see Ezhno's face is bloodied too. I rush up the steps, but Tiva, Mrs. Walker, scrambles to her feet and rushes inside. Dropping down on my knees beside Ezhno, I immediately feel for a pulse, and it's there. Faint but there. A sound I've heard once before has me lift my eyes to the doorway where Tiva stands, this time it's her holding that same damn shotgun.
    "Get off our property," she hisses.
    "But Mrs. Walker, Tiva, your husband needs help. You're both hurt."
    "You here to see if your goons did their job?"
    I'm shocked at her words. "My goons? I don't know what you mean? Who are you talking about?"
    The blast from the shotgun hits the dirt behind me, but the sound deafens me instantly and has me rearing back on my ass. She cocks the gun again and aims it at me.
    "Get off our property!"
    Not about to argue with an unmistakably irate woman toting a gun, I crab walk backward on hands and feet until my body hits the car. I scramble around it to the driver side and slip in, trying furiously to get it started. The moment it catches I floor it and skid around the barnyard, my tires spinning before they find traction. Just as I come up to the end of the driveway, a silver pick up truck pulls in. I manage to slip past it and I'm already turning back in the direction of Cedar Tree, planning to stop at the first opportunity so I can call the sheriff's office, when it hits me.
    The man from the diner was behind the wheel.

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    I can't have been that far behind, but by the time I hit the road the little blue Honda was gone. I know she turned left, in a westerly direction, so that's where I'm heading. I'm going at a good clip when I pass Kelly's Place and suddenly I know where she's gone. The Walker place is up ahead and I'm just turning into the driveway when her blue compact comes streaking at me, barely avoiding my front left fender. Kimeo is at the wheel and other than a quick flick of her panicked eyes my way, she is focused on getting away. Fast. I intend to turn and follow her back toward town, where she's headed as if the devil is on her heels, when I spot the Walkers on their porch.
    "S he already called it in," Drew Carmel, our sheriff’s voice comes over the line.
    The moment I spotted the state of the poor elderly couple, I had my phone out and was calling for an ambulance. Two things occurred to me right away; Tiva had her shotgun propped beside the door and there was no way in hell that small woman had time to do this kind of damage. I left barely minutes behind

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