male relationships she rejected over the years. It was a soulful examination, and Alison was exhausted when she finally decided to get off it and move on.
Her cell phone had been buzzing while she was thinking. Part of the motivation for her self-examination was to avoid having to face the messages she expected to find on it. But now, time was up. She needed to just deal with it, come what may. She picked up the phone. Sure enough, two text messages. The first one was from Rick.
I went back into the room and you were gone. Let’s touch base tomorrow and plan that lunch as soon as possible. I don’t text well, would rather talk. R
He was kinder than Brenda:
Dammit you couldn’t even say goodbye? What kind of an exit was that? Not nice. We need to talk. Call me. Bren
Yes, she would call them both—eventually. For now, she went back to bed, putting in earplugs first to block the sound of kids skateboarding outside next door. Alison felt better now. She was in a deep sleep within minutes. She never even heard the house phone ring.
Several hours later, she got up again. This time, there were two messages on her answering machine. The first was from Rick.
“Alison, I still smell your perfume on my shirt, need to know who makes it so I can buy you more. Or maybe I’ll just take my shirt to the perfume counter at Saks Fifth Avenue. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. Will you have dinner with me tonight? Let me know what time works for you and I can come by in a taxi or we can meet. I’m on my cell or you can call the hotel, room 787. Tonight might be my only chance, until the end of the week anyway, because of the trial schedule. Talk to you soon. Bye, beautiful.”
Well that was nice. The other message was from Brenda, no surprise there.
“Okay, I got your text message and understand, but geez, you left me trying to explain to him why you left. Isn’t he a dream boat? I don’t think I’ve met a guy that classy in a long time. And he’s really taken with you, kiddo, so play it right. He’s definitely interested. Call me when you can. Oh, and thanks for the wine. It’s delish. Bye.”
Alison moved through her usual Sunday rituals as if sleepwalking—facial, shower, brushing her teeth, dressing in sweats. She wasn’t planning on running today, just needed to kick back and make a decision—yay or nay to Rick tonight. It was the end of the long Thanksgiving weekend, and Alison realized quickly that she really wanted the day to herself, and didn’t need the stress of having to get ready for a hot date. But, she also acknowledged she did want to have dinner with him, and soon.
So that she would not waiver from her decision, she sent him a text message rather than phoning. It was just too easy to weaken her resolve during a phone conversation.
R, thanks for your message. Nice to wake up to. Sorry, I have plans this evening, cannot have dinner, but any evening later this week would work well. Let me know your schedule. A .
Now she could let go for the entire day and not let him into her space any more than he already was—and he was there like an 800 pound gorilla. His smell, his smile, and the way he moved so comfortably in his own skin. It was rare to come across a man who was that polished and at ease. She could just imagine him in a court room.
Alison spent most of the day watching football, something she enjoyed, especially when she was in a vegetative state. There was no longer any doubt about going forward in whatever developed with Rick, so she put it out of her mind for the time being. That gave her the freedom to relax and enjoy the day. Personal time was important. Alison remembered how she used to ruin her weekends by bringing work home. Not anymore, and definitely not on a holiday weekend. Being a boss with a support team of ten people came with certain benefits. These days, only on the eve of a trial would she sometimes find herself in a
Stephanie James, Jayne Ann Krentz