threatened by the judge to be bound in a straitjacket. She’d made everything that much harder for herself and gave absolutely no fucks about it. Lucky girl--the case ended with her sentenced to probation and house arrest. Of course the attaché filled with unmarked fifty-dollar bills he had delivered to the judge probably helped her out. She was only allowed to leave her home for work, appointments and necessities. Before she was released, a little black GPS box was strapped to her ankle. He was waiting when she walked down the shadowed passageway and away from the building. His Rica had nowhere to go. Contrary to what she believed in the beginning he wasn’t waiting for her because he felt sorry for her. It was a simple case of lust. Once he saw the opportunity to claim her he took it--a little fun never killed anyone. She made life interesting, and when he got tired he would pay her off and send her on her way. Kieran snorted. Boredom was not a word that could be associated with Rica. He’d brought her to the bar, and she’d been living in the third-floor apartment he maintained ever since. Next to his brothers, Rica became the only other person he trusted with his life. She was well aware of the dual aspects of his life and helped him maintain the thin veneer of civility. She was being threatened, and there would be hell to pay. The wrought iron bannister was cool against his palm. He took the steps two at a time. Muffled voices floated along the corridor. There was one distinct, husky tone he wasn’t familiar with. Shadows moved across the frosted glass insert. He twisted the old brass doorknob and shoved the door open. Rica stood behind his desk with her palms planted on the blotter. Two stacks of cash sat between her hands. “You want more money--I want all the fucking files.” “Bitch, I’ll take your money and still use the photos to back up the article set to run. ‘The secrets of Councilman Kieran O’Shea.’ That headline has a nice ring to it.” The guy clutched a camera in one meaty hand. He waved it in front of her before letting it drop. It bounced against the paunch that formed his belly. The fucker leaned toward her and lifted his hand to touch a single braid that fell over her shoulder. Kieran had every intention of solving the situation through an exchange of words. But seeing those plump fingers stroking her hair--yeah, it was going be a one-sided conversation. Derrica didn’t flinch. “You’re going to regret being a greedy asshole. Won’t he, baby?” She turned her head to peer at Kieran. He held her stare for a moment. It was partially her fault that the idiot was in his damn space. Why the hell was he just now hearing about a damn article? “Who the hell is he?” Kieran paused. “Better question is why the fuck is he alone with you?” “Leave and shut the door behind you.” The big man spared him a glance before returning his gaze to Rica. “If you can’t come up with the funds tell your employees to give us a couple of hours. I’m open to other forms of payment.” “I just threw up a little in my mouth.” Kieran’s lover shook her head. “You called me here for this bullshit. Are you losing your touch, Pretty Girl?” Kieran stepped into the room. Like a dog he’d come running. It was ridiculous the power one woman who didn’t come to his shoulder held over him. “You know what’s coming when I take care of this fat fuck--right?” “Damn, you know how to make my clit throb.” A sly smile spread across her lips and she pressed them together to form a straight line. She collected the money from the desk and straightened, stepping back. “Of course I called you. I’m horny and I haven’t lost a damn thing. This— ahhh --journalist is a piss-poor excuse to get your attention, but he is better than no excuse at all.” She softened her voice and lowered her head, mumbling, “I’m just saying.” “What don’t you understand about giving us some