small cotton ball cloud hanging in the air and debris falling to the ground.
“It took out a drone,” Grace observed.
“Looks that way, and there he goes,” Joshua pointed to a speck of aircraft moving at the speed of sound and heading east. “Looks like we’re getting into the fight.”
“It’s about damn time,” Grace said, and they started down the other side of the mountain ridge.
This is a broadcast of the Emergency Alert System and an official broadcast from the Government of the United States of America. Broadcasting on all frequencies and all bands. Please stand by for an update from the President of the United States of America.
“My fellow Americans, the Government of the United States of America is intact. We are effective, and we are in control of the country. We are now operating at an undisclosed location within the borders of the U.S. Our Republic is strong and there is no reason to believe propaganda to the contrary. Let me repeat. Our grip on the underpinnings of this country and how it operates is stable.
As an update to my earlier statements, the forces of the People’s Republic of China, have taken direct control of several of America’s greatest port cities. These include the cities of Mobile, Alabama. New Orleans, Louisiana. Galveston, Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas, San Diego, California, Los Angeles, California and Seattle, Washington.
From these strongholds, our satellites show that they are unloading super container ships filled with supplies, troops and weaponry to support their illegal and heinous attacks on our sovereign country. Based on our intelligence and action on the ground, it is our belief that these forces intend to divide the country geographically along a north to south line from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Mobile, Alabama. They have landed troops in every state to the west of this line. The governors of the states west of the line have ordered their state’s National Guard units to engage the enemy.
If you are within 150 miles of this line, which includes the cities of: Mobile, Alabama; Jackson, Mississippi; Birmingham, Alabama; Memphis, Tennessee; St. Louis and Columbia, Missouri; Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, Iowa; and finally Minneapolis, Minnesota; you need to understand that this area is possibly the most dangerous strip of land in the world today. This is a modern day kill zone.
As of today, the United States has not retaliated with a nuclear strike against the People Republic of China. We have not done this because we command the high ground when it comes to the lives of innocent people. This is an extremely unpopular decision and one that is questioned with every passing second. But, we are not murderers like our invaders. We are not going to capitulate to an eye for an eye and a city for a city and ten million lives for ten million lives!
We…Americans…are… better…than…that!
We will fight these enemies on our ground and we will win!
Right now, our Naval forces are deployed to attack and support the defensive posture of our military forces along the port cities and along the north/south line I just mentioned. The United Kingdom is also sending naval forces and marines to help in our fight. They do this action at great risk to their own people as we have learned that the Government of China has threated a similar fate to any country that attempts to aid the USA.
My fellow Americans, except for the loyalty and resolve of our Canadian and British friends, we are fighting this world war on our own.
So, with the support of the remaining loyal members of Congress, and under the order of the current State of Emergency, I am supporting your Constitutional Right to form militias and fight this enemy at every turn.
I have commanded our forces in the field to work with individuals, groups and formed militias that want to fight. This is the kind of force that won our freedom over 200